Bibliographic citations
Vilcamiza, K., (2024). Influencia del videojuego “Pueblo Pitanga: enemigos silenciosos” en los conocimientos sobre prevención del dengue en la I.E.P Dos de Mayo de Chincha, 2024 [Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga].
Vilcamiza, K., Influencia del videojuego “Pueblo Pitanga: enemigos silenciosos” en los conocimientos sobre prevención del dengue en la I.E.P Dos de Mayo de Chincha, 2024 []. PE: Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga; 2024.
title = "Influencia del videojuego “Pueblo Pitanga: enemigos silenciosos” en los conocimientos sobre prevención del dengue en la I.E.P Dos de Mayo de Chincha, 2024",
author = "Vilcamiza Munayco, Karen Pamela",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga",
year = "2024"
To describe the knowledge about dengue prevention before and after the video game "Pitanga People: Silent Enemies" at the I.E.P Dos de Mayo in Chincha, during the period from March to September 2024. Methodology: The study was basic, descriptive, with a descriptive design in two periods (before and after), prospective and quantitative. The population consisted of 63 sixth grade elementary school students from the public educational institution "Dos de Mayo", from which, after applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, a sample of 54 students was selected. The video game was installed in the computer room of the institution, distributing the game sessions per classroom, with two weekly sessions of 30 to 40 minutes each, for a period of 4 consecutive weeks. A questionnaire was applied before and after using the video game. The results were described in terms of correct and incorrect answers, as well as the categorization of knowledge before and after using the video game. Results: 54 students between 11 and 13 years old participated in the study, who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. After using the video game "Pitanga Village: Silent Enemies", an increase in correct answers related to knowledge about dengue was observed. In the categorization of knowledge prior to the intervention, 57% of the students were at the "Poor" level and only 6% reached a "Good" level. After the intervention, 85% of the students reached an "Acceptable" or higher level of knowledge, with 48% being at the "Good" level and 2% reaching the "Excellent" level. Conclusions: It is concluded from the research study that knowledge about dengue prevention increased after using the video game "Pitanga Village: Silent Enemies" at the I.EP. Dos de Mayo in Chincha.
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