Bibliographic citations
Huayanca, M., (2024). Costo y disponibilidad de medicamentos antihipertensivos considerados en el Petitorio Nacional Único de Medicamentos Esenciales - 2023. Estudio en farmacias privadas de la ciudad de Ica [Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga].
Huayanca, M., Costo y disponibilidad de medicamentos antihipertensivos considerados en el Petitorio Nacional Único de Medicamentos Esenciales - 2023. Estudio en farmacias privadas de la ciudad de Ica []. PE: Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga; 2024.
title = "Costo y disponibilidad de medicamentos antihipertensivos considerados en el Petitorio Nacional Único de Medicamentos Esenciales - 2023. Estudio en farmacias privadas de la ciudad de Ica",
author = "Huayanca Rodríguez, Mercedes Del Rosario",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga",
year = "2024"
To identify the cost and availability of antihypertensive medications included in the National Essential Medicines List - 2023, in private pharmacies in the city of Ica. Methodological Strategy: Quantitative, observational, descriptive study. Non-experimental, cross-sectional design. Population: essential antihypertensive medications included in the National Essential Medicines List (NEML) - 2023 and private pharmacies in the city of Ica. Technique: document analysis. Instrument: Peruvian Pharmaceutical Products Observatory. Results and Conclusions: The NEML 2023 includes twelve active pharmaceutical ingredients for antihypertensives, from which seventeen pharmaceutical specialties are derived. For most of the medications considered, a single daily dose is recommended, except for captopril 25 mg, which has a minimum recommendation of two daily doses. The lowest price (generic) was found for captopril 25 mg and enalapril 10 mg, with a unit price of S/ 0.05, and the highest price (brand) was found for carvedilol 25 mg with a unit price of S/ 7.33. The highest availability of antihypertensive medication was for captopril 25 mg at 86.2%, while the lowest or no availability was found for atenolol 50 mg, labetalol 5 mg/mL, and nitroprusside 50 mg, all at 0.0%availability. The price variation determined in the form of a ratio (lowest price: highest price) shows a minimal variation (methyldopa, 1: 1.1) or substantial variation (amlodipine 5 mg, 1: 91.25).
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