Bibliographic citations
Vargas, M., (2025). Factores asociados a la práctica del autoexamen de mamas en mujeres atendidas en el Centro de Salud Santiago, Ica, 2023 [Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga].
Vargas, M., Factores asociados a la práctica del autoexamen de mamas en mujeres atendidas en el Centro de Salud Santiago, Ica, 2023 []. PE: Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga; 2025.
title = "Factores asociados a la práctica del autoexamen de mamas en mujeres atendidas en el Centro de Salud Santiago, Ica, 2023",
author = "Vargas Tito, Maryori Victoria",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga",
year = "2025"
Identify the factors associated with the practice of breast self-examination in women treated at the Santiago Health Center, Ica, 2023. Methodology: Descriptive level study, basic, observational, prospective and cross-sectional; nonexperimental design. Results: 57% have performed breast self-examination; personal factors: age, 66.7% are between 30 and 49 years old; marital status, 53.8% cohabiting; education: 76.3% have completed secondary school; 61.3% have no family history of cancer; psychological factors: 44.1% are not afraid of exposing their breasts; 57% are afraid of detecting a tumor; 78.5% are ashamed to touch their breasts; 58.1% are worried about not knowing how to do the self-examination; 83.9% their religious beliefs do not prohibit touching their body; cultural factors: 20.4% a diet based on fats and red meat increases the risk of breast cancer; 40.9% obesity increases the risk; 37.6% lack of physical activity increases the risk; 47.3% oral contraceptives increase the risk; 59.1% cigarette smoking increases the risk; cognitive factors: 75.2% doing breast self-examination is prevention; 97.8% of women who do not have children should perform a breast self-examination; 21.5% perform breast self-examination every month; 96.8% of women who have family members with breast cancer should perform a breast self-examination. Conclusions: Personal, psychological, cultural and cognitive factors are associated with the practice of breast self-examination in women treated at the Santiago Health Center.
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