Bibliographic citations
Huamani, H., (2024). Estrés del cuidador y dependencia funcional en pacientes con accidente cerebrovascular en un hospital de Pisco 2023 [Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga].
Huamani, H., Estrés del cuidador y dependencia funcional en pacientes con accidente cerebrovascular en un hospital de Pisco 2023 []. PE: Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga; 2024.
title = "Estrés del cuidador y dependencia funcional en pacientes con accidente cerebrovascular en un hospital de Pisco 2023",
author = "Huamani Flores, Hermógenes Jorge",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga",
year = "2024"
The objective of the research was to determine the relationship between the level of caregiver stress and functional dependence in patients with stroke in a Pisco Hospital, 2023. The methodology was a quantitative approach of basic type and non-experimental design - cross-sectional and analytical of correlational level, with a sample of 83 patients who met the selection criteria to whom a questionnaire was administered. The results revealed that caregiver stress in stroke patients in a hospital in Pisco for the year 2023, It manifested itself at a high level in 4.8%, medium in 63.9% and low in 31.3%. Functional dependence in patients with stroke in a hospital in Pisco for the year 2023, manifested at a medium level in 45.8%, high in 38.6% and low in 15.7%. It was concluded that there is a significant moderate and inverse relationship between the level of caregiver stress and functional dependence in patients with stroke in a Pisco hospital, stating that the less caregiver stress, the greater the functional dependence (p=0.000; rho - 0.547).
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