Bibliographic citations
Menendez, S., (2021). Los contratos de Estado a Estado : criterios para su elección a propósito de la experiencia de los XVIII Juegos Panamericanos y los VI Juegos Parapanamericanos - Lima 2019 [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Menendez, S., Los contratos de Estado a Estado : criterios para su elección a propósito de la experiencia de los XVIII Juegos Panamericanos y los VI Juegos Parapanamericanos - Lima 2019 []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Los contratos de Estado a Estado : criterios para su elección a propósito de la experiencia de los XVIII Juegos Panamericanos y los VI Juegos Parapanamericanos - Lima 2019",
author = "Menendez Huarhuachi, Sthefany Lissbeth",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2021"
The experience of the Pan American and Parapan American Games – Lima 2019 has boosted the use of state-to-state contracts for the realization of large-scale public works. However, it is very important to point out that this contractual modality should not be conceived as a general rule for all public infrastructure investment projects. In this context, this research work seeks to deepen in this regard, analyzing the treatment that our legal system has given it, analyzing the treatment that our legal system has given him regarding the experience of the Games held in Lima in 2019, as well as other legal systems with the aim of establishing certain conditions for their viability. To that end, foreign and domestic doctrine, as well as national legislation and documentation, were analyzed, concluding that, being a modality that is configured under the same general guidelines as the Regime of the Law of Contracting with the State, its use is more inefficient in public investment projects involving the operation and maintenance of public infrastructure works, or the provision of public services.
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