Bibliographic citations
Concepción, C., Martínez, M. (2022). Características del habla de niños de 5 a 6 años con respiración adecuada o alterada de una institución educativa pública de Carabayllo [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Concepción, C., Martínez, M. Características del habla de niños de 5 a 6 años con respiración adecuada o alterada de una institución educativa pública de Carabayllo []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Características del habla de niños de 5 a 6 años con respiración adecuada o alterada de una institución educativa pública de Carabayllo",
author = "Martínez Minga, Martha Gabriela",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2022"
The main objective of this simple descriptive study was to determine the characteristics of speech production in children aged 5 to 6 years who present adequate or altered respiratory mode. The sample consisted of 50 children of both sexes aged 5 and 6 years. The Orofacial Myofunctional Protocol - MBGR was applied to all the children evaluated. The results show that most of the children presented altered speech (72%); however, it is observed that only 28% of the children did not present any speech alteration. Children 5 (10%) and 6 (6%) years of age with adequate respiration who present speech alterations have problems producing the phonemes /j/, /d/, /s/, /r/, /rr/, consonantal group of /L/ and consonantal group of /R/. Finally, it could be evidenced that 42% of 5-year-old children and 14% of 6-year-old children with impaired respiration present alterations in the production of the phonemes /d/, /t/, /s/, /l/, /r/, /rr/, consonant group /R/, consonant group /L/.
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