Bibliographic citations
Martos, E., (2021). Análisis de las acciones de monitoreo del servicio de acompañamiento a familias-Programa Nacional Cuna Más, en el distrito de Namora, Cajamarca, para el mejoramiento de la atención a la primera infancia, durante el año 2015 [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Martos, E., Análisis de las acciones de monitoreo del servicio de acompañamiento a familias-Programa Nacional Cuna Más, en el distrito de Namora, Cajamarca, para el mejoramiento de la atención a la primera infancia, durante el año 2015 []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Análisis de las acciones de monitoreo del servicio de acompañamiento a familias-Programa Nacional Cuna Más, en el distrito de Namora, Cajamarca, para el mejoramiento de la atención a la primera infancia, durante el año 2015",
author = "Martos Huamán, Elisa",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2021"
Monitoring is a key process in the execution of social programs, it allows monitoring and verifying the fulfillment of goals and objectives, and implementing mechanisms for improvement and adaptation of the intervention, this is how the National Cuna Más Program has been readjusting some actions to overcome the gaps in child development in children under 3 years of age, through its two services: Nursery and Family Support (SAF). The investigation focuses on the SAF, Namora district, Cajamarca province; in order to analyze the follow-up actions, socialization of results and usefulness in decision-making in 2015; considering the implementation of technical guidelines. The type of research is qualitative, using interviews and focus groups with Program collaborators, authorities and users' families, to find out their perception, opinion and expectations. Based on the research, it is determined that the SAF monitoring is designed, regulated and executed, in a leading manner, by the headquarters team (Lima). In the execution, the team of the Territorial Unit and to a lesser extent the community actors, made up of Management Committees and Vigilance Councils, also participate in some way. The socialization of the monitoring results is carried out with the teams responsible for Lima, specialists and only with some technicians and / or community companions, but not with community actors. The results of the follow-up are translated into the reassignment of personnel by Management Committees, prioritization of messages about care and learning practices, application of new cards to measure the growth and development of the child, and reorientation of the budget for the implementation of the Nursery Centers. More. Few community actors are aware of follow-up actions; For this reason, it is recommended to share actions and follow-up results with all SAF actors, since the users themselves must be active agents of change; taking into account the development of an effective communication strategy at the national level, so that the program complies with the co-management guidelines.
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