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Quintana, C., (2023). Competencias esenciales para el desarrollo del profesional de psicología [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Quintana, C., Competencias esenciales para el desarrollo del profesional de psicología []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2023.
title = "Competencias esenciales para el desarrollo del profesional de psicología",
author = "Quintana Castro, Camilo José",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2023"
Title: Competencias esenciales para el desarrollo del profesional de psicología
Authors(s): Quintana Castro, Camilo José
Advisor(s): Valdez Huarcaya, Nancy Eufemia
Keywords: Servicios de salud mental--Perú; Psicología clínica; Pensamiento crítico--Estudio y enseñanza
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 12-Apr-2023
Institution: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Abstract: El presente trabajo detalla las principales evidencias del desarrollo y el logro de
las competencias diagnostica, interviene y evalúa. Por una parte, para las competencias
diagnostica e interviene, se toma como referencia el desarrollo de las prácticas preprofesionales en el Departamento de Consulta Externa de Adultos dentro de una
institución especializada en la atención de salud mental. En cuanto a la competencia
diagnostica, se realizaron procesos de evaluación psicológica a pacientes nuevos y
continuadores que acudían a la institución mencionada; ello involucró el proceso de
selección y aplicación de baterías de herramientas de evaluación, así como la síntesis de
la información recolectada y la redacción de informes psicológicos. Para la competencia
interviene, se brindó apoyo en las sesiones de atención psicológica realizadas por la
supervisora de la institución mencionada; esto incluyó la aplicación de estrategias de
corte cognitivo conductual, incluyendo técnicas de relajación, técnicas de exposición,
psicoeducación, entre otras. Por otra parte, en referencia a la competencia evalúa, se
toma como referencia la realización de un proyecto del curso Psicología y Desarrollo
Integral; en relación a esta última competencia, se diseñó e implementó una propuesta
de evaluación que incluía la evaluación de procesos y de resultados de una intervención
para mejorar el pensamiento crítico de escolares en relación al uso de una página de
contenido audiovisual de Internet. Durante el desarrollo de las actividades mencionadas,
se reforzaron aprendizajes adquiridos en el pregrado, sobre todo relacionados al campo
de la psicología de la anormalidad, la evaluación psicológica y evaluación de
This document details the main evidence of the development and achievement of competencies of diagnosing, intervening, and evaluating. On the one hand, for the diagnosing and intervening competencies, the development of pre-professional practices in the Adult Outpatient Department of an institution specialized in mental health care is taken as a reference. Regarding competency diagnosing, psychological evaluation processes were conducted to new and continuing patients that were attended by the department, this involved the selection and application of batteries of evaluation tools, as well as the synthesis of the information collected and the drafting of psychological reports. For competency intervening, support was provided psychological intervention sessions carried out by the institution's supervisor; this included the application of cognitive behavioral strategies, including relaxation techniques, exposure techniques, psychoeducation, among others. On the other hand, in reference to competency assessing, the implementation of a project for the course Psychology and Integral Development is taken as a reference; in relation to this last competency, an evaluation proposal was designed and implemented including the assessment of processes and results of an intervention to improve critical thinking of schoolchildren in relation to the use of an audiovisual content page on the Internet. During the development of the aforementioned activities, learning acquired in the undergraduate program was reinforced, especially the knowledge related to the field of abnormal psychology and psychological assessment.
This document details the main evidence of the development and achievement of competencies of diagnosing, intervening, and evaluating. On the one hand, for the diagnosing and intervening competencies, the development of pre-professional practices in the Adult Outpatient Department of an institution specialized in mental health care is taken as a reference. Regarding competency diagnosing, psychological evaluation processes were conducted to new and continuing patients that were attended by the department, this involved the selection and application of batteries of evaluation tools, as well as the synthesis of the information collected and the drafting of psychological reports. For competency intervening, support was provided psychological intervention sessions carried out by the institution's supervisor; this included the application of cognitive behavioral strategies, including relaxation techniques, exposure techniques, psychoeducation, among others. On the other hand, in reference to competency assessing, the implementation of a project for the course Psychology and Integral Development is taken as a reference; in relation to this last competency, an evaluation proposal was designed and implemented including the assessment of processes and results of an intervention to improve critical thinking of schoolchildren in relation to the use of an audiovisual content page on the Internet. During the development of the aforementioned activities, learning acquired in the undergraduate program was reinforced, especially the knowledge related to the field of abnormal psychology and psychological assessment.
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Discipline: Psicología
Grade or title grantor: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Facultad de Psicología
Grade or title: Licenciado en Psicología
Juror: Valdez Huarcaya, Nancy Eufemia; Taxa Marcos, Juan Carlos; De la Puente Arbaiza, Carlos Alberto
Register date: 12-Apr-2023
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