Bibliographic citations
Bendezú, C., (2023). Plataforma de interoperabilidad para el traslado externo nacional de estudiantes de universidades no licenciadas del periodo 2018-2021 [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.].
Bendezú, C., Plataforma de interoperabilidad para el traslado externo nacional de estudiantes de universidades no licenciadas del periodo 2018-2021 []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.; 2023.
title = "Plataforma de interoperabilidad para el traslado externo nacional de estudiantes de universidades no licenciadas del periodo 2018-2021",
author = "Bendezú Túpac, Charly Kenny",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.",
year = "2023"
This project presents an alternative to improve the "current quality during the national external transfer process of university students who come from public and private universities not licensed by SUNEDU". For this, the following was identified as the main problem: "There is a low quality during the process of the national external transfer of students, who intend to continue their studies on their own in a licensed university"; presents the following causes: i) Absence of regulatory regulations for national external transfer with quality standards ii) Absence of guidance for national external transfer, iii) Heterogeneity and multiple requirements demanded by licensed universities, iv) Limited offer of licensed universities with validable curriculum and, v) Uncertainty of the cost for the transfer between universities. This project is part of a non-experimental exploratory investigation, because it seeks to approach the problem, starting from a preliminary phase, to then deepen the investigation. After identifying the causes of the problem, the following question was posed: How can we improve the quality of the national external transfer process for students from public and private unlicensed universities who intend to transfer? After structuring this uncertainty, it was proposed as a possible solution: to implement an "Interoperability platform to improve the quality of the national external transfer of students from public and private universities who intend to move to continue their studies during the period 2018-2021". This proposal includes homogeneous administrative and technological standards that will allow students to quickly transfer to licensed universities through a standardized procedure.
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