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Avila, S., (2021). Estudio de caso de un niño de 3 años, 3 meses con retraso de lenguaje [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Avila, S., Estudio de caso de un niño de 3 años, 3 meses con retraso de lenguaje []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Estudio de caso de un niño de 3 años, 3 meses con retraso de lenguaje",
author = "Avila Agreda, Silvia Cecilia",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2021"
Title: Estudio de caso de un niño de 3 años, 3 meses con retraso de lenguaje
Authors(s): Avila Agreda, Silvia Cecilia
Advisor(s): Sing Ore, Angelica Maria
Keywords: Niños--Lenguaje; Trastornos del habla en niños
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 4-Jun-2021
Institution: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Abstract: El lenguaje es visto como un instrumento fundamental en la comunicación, necesario para que las personas
desarrollen su lado afectivo, psicológico, para recibir y brindar información y así aprender. Sin embargo, con
frecuencia encontramos niños que presentan dificultades para adquirir y desarrollar su lenguaje; causándole
dificultades o poniéndolo en una situación de desventaja frente a sus compañeros en el nivel pre escolar o escolar,
e incluso en su desarrollo social dentro de su entorno. Es por ello que, el presente estudio tiene por finalidad,
diseñar un plan de evaluación e intervención coherente con las necesidades que presenta un niño de 3 años 2
meses con Retraso de Lenguaje. Cabe señalar que, el Retraso del Lenguaje hace referencia a un desfase en la
aparición o en el desarrollo de los componentes del lenguaje (léxico-semántico, morfosintáctico, fonético fonológico
y pragmático), que afecta sobre todo en la expresión. Es importante reconocer que la detección precoz nos permite
realizar acciones necesarias para estimular a estos niños con la finalidad que logren nivelarse con la etapa de
desarrollo que les corresponde. En la presente intervención se usa el modelo híbrido, que es un enfoque centrado
en el niño y en el adulto, en el que el terapeuta controla ciertos aspectos de la intervención como tener en cuenta
que las sesiones sean lo más naturales posibles, centradas en los intereses del niño y utilizando estrategias para
reforzar el objetivo de la sesión. Los resultados del presente estudio rescatan un incremento en la adquisición de
vocabulario comprensivo y expresivo, mejoras en el seguimiento de instrucciones hasta llegar a acción + dos
elementos + localización, así como en la ampliación de frases hasta llegar a elaboración de expresiones simples
del tipo s+ v + o. Finalmente, se concluye en que el plan de intervención aplicado permitió evidenciar avances en
el niño, especialmente en el componente léxico semántico y morfosintáctico.
Language is seen as a fundamental instrument of communication. Humans need it to develop their affective psychological side, to receive and give information and to learn through it. Nevertheless, it is frequent to find children with difficulties in the acquisition and development of language. This puts them in a disadvantageous position in comparison to their peers at preschool or school levels, even affecting their social development within their own environment. Thus, this study aims to design an evaluation and intervention plan in line with the needs of a 3-year-old 3-month-old child with a language delay. It should be noted that Language Delay refers to a setback in the appearance or development of language elements (lexical-semantic, morphosyntactic, phonetic, phonological, and pragmatic), which mainly affect expression. It is also important to point out that early detection allows taking necessary actions in the stimulation of these children to keep up with their corresponding developmental stage. In the present intervention the hybrid model is used, which is a child – and – adult – centered approach, where the therapist controls certain aspects of the intervention such as: keeping the sessions as natural as possible, focusing on the interests of the child, and using strategies to reinforce the goal of the session. The results of the present study rescue an increase in the acquisition of comprehensive and expressive vocabulary, an improvement in the following of instructions up to action + two elements + location, as well as an improvement in the length of sentences up to the structuring of simple expressions of the s + v + o type. Finally, it is concluded that the applied intervention plan allowed to demonstrate progress in the child, especially in the lexical-semantic and morphosyntactic components.
Language is seen as a fundamental instrument of communication. Humans need it to develop their affective psychological side, to receive and give information and to learn through it. Nevertheless, it is frequent to find children with difficulties in the acquisition and development of language. This puts them in a disadvantageous position in comparison to their peers at preschool or school levels, even affecting their social development within their own environment. Thus, this study aims to design an evaluation and intervention plan in line with the needs of a 3-year-old 3-month-old child with a language delay. It should be noted that Language Delay refers to a setback in the appearance or development of language elements (lexical-semantic, morphosyntactic, phonetic, phonological, and pragmatic), which mainly affect expression. It is also important to point out that early detection allows taking necessary actions in the stimulation of these children to keep up with their corresponding developmental stage. In the present intervention the hybrid model is used, which is a child – and – adult – centered approach, where the therapist controls certain aspects of the intervention such as: keeping the sessions as natural as possible, focusing on the interests of the child, and using strategies to reinforce the goal of the session. The results of the present study rescue an increase in the acquisition of comprehensive and expressive vocabulary, an improvement in the following of instructions up to action + two elements + location, as well as an improvement in the length of sentences up to the structuring of simple expressions of the s + v + o type. Finally, it is concluded that the applied intervention plan allowed to demonstrate progress in the child, especially in the lexical-semantic and morphosyntactic components.
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Discipline: Dificultades de la Comunicación y Lenguaje
Grade or title grantor: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Facultad de Educación
Grade or title: Segunda Especialidad en Dificultades de la Comunicación y Lenguaje
Juror: Chávez Gálvez, Zandy; Ortiz de Orué Aliaga, Julia Vanessa; Sing Oré. Angélica María
Register date: 4-Jun-2021
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