Bibliographic citations
Noblecilla, M., (2024). Conciencia fonológica y fluidez lectora a través del ritmo y la rima en la primera etapa de la Educación Primaria [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Noblecilla, M., Conciencia fonológica y fluidez lectora a través del ritmo y la rima en la primera etapa de la Educación Primaria []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2024.
title = "Conciencia fonológica y fluidez lectora a través del ritmo y la rima en la primera etapa de la Educación Primaria",
author = "Noblecilla Olaechea, Marcela Susana",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2024"
This paper is carried out from a qualitative approach, in which documentary analysis is used around the development of phonological awareness and reading fluency as two of the skills that constitute main pillars to develop reading competence in children during the first stage of Regular Basic Education. The purpose is to analyze the development of phonological awareness and reading fluency based on the use of rhythm and rhyme. The results allowed us to establish a direct relationship between phonological awareness as a fundamental basis of the process of developing reading competence, and fluency as a requirement for the final comprehension of the text when reading. As the main conclusion, the presence of the characteristics of rhythm and rhyme is clearly established, mainly in poetic texts, which were considered as resources used in reading instruction that were effective in developing phonological awareness and reading fluency in children in the first stage of Primary Education.
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