Bibliographic citations
Limo, A., (2022). Análisis de la participación ciudadana en la conservación de los servicios ecosistémicos de los bofedales ubicados en la subcuenca Santa Eulalia en Lima [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Limo, A., Análisis de la participación ciudadana en la conservación de los servicios ecosistémicos de los bofedales ubicados en la subcuenca Santa Eulalia en Lima []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Análisis de la participación ciudadana en la conservación de los servicios ecosistémicos de los bofedales ubicados en la subcuenca Santa Eulalia en Lima",
author = "Limo Segura, Alberto",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2022"
This research analyses the citizen participation in the conservation of wetlands or bofedales, located in the upper basin of the Rímac River in Lima. They are in a degradation process and as such, they are diminishing their ability to provide goods and ecosystem services. Although there is extensive environmental regulatory, measures must be taken at the local, regional and national levels, for an effective conservation. These ecosystems are classified as fragile and the degradation of wetlands or bofedales is imminent without adequate citizen participation. This problem is often repeated in other ecosystems around the country. In this sense, for the Environmental Governance, it is crucial to involve diverse stakeholders, especially at the local level, as part of a collective action to reverse this situation. This from the perspective of Principle 10 of the United Nations related to environment and sustainable development, that is, access to information, decision-making and justice, which should serve as guide in the application of policies and actions at the national and international level. This qualitative study includes a normative and bibliographic review, as well as interviews with key actors, and identifies different problems regarding the required capacities. It is stand out the valuable opportunity to reinforce that perspective, through the Mechanism of Compensation for Water Ecosystem Services, the Basin Water Resources Council and the National Environmental Management System. This as a complement to the natural sciences researches and above all to strengthen the science and policy interface.
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