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Salas, M., Salinas, R. (2021). Estudio de caso de un niño de 4 años 11 meses con trastorno de lenguaje [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Salas, M., Salinas, R. Estudio de caso de un niño de 4 años 11 meses con trastorno de lenguaje []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Estudio de caso de un niño de 4 años 11 meses con trastorno de lenguaje",
author = "Salinas Benavides, Rita Giovanna",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2021"
Title: Estudio de caso de un niño de 4 años 11 meses con trastorno de lenguaje
Advisor(s): Suarez Silva, Betsy Yinett
Keywords: Trastornos del habla en niños; Fonología
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 3-Jun-2021
Institution: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Abstract: El lenguaje oral es una herramienta necesaria para que el niño comprenda y exprese sus pensamientos,
ideas, intereses y necesidades de manera espontánea y adecuada en su interacción con el ambiente
familiar, escolar y social. Su adquisición es un proceso cognitivo muy complejo y sucede durante los
primeros años de vida, periodo en el que se desarrollan y consolidan diversas habilidades lingüísticas; pero
no siempre sucede así, ya que en ocasiones se manifiestan dificultades que pueden afectar la interacción
social y el aprendizaje. El objetivo del presente estudio de caso es diseñar un plan de evaluación e
intervención adecuado a las necesidades que presenta un niño de 4 años 11 meses con trastorno del
lenguaje predominantemente expresivo. El trastorno del lenguaje se manifiesta en la dificultad para la
adquisición y uso del lenguaje hablado o escrito debido a deficiencias en la comprensión o producción, que
puede incluir un reducido vocabulario, deficientes estructuras gramaticales y alteraciones en el uso del
discurso. Las habilidades lingüísticas se encuentran generalmente por debajo de la edad cronológica,
limitando el desenvolvimiento escolar y social. Se sigue el modelo de intervención híbrido, el cual se centra
tanto en los intereses del niño como en los objetivos planteados por el terapeuta, tomando en cuenta un
contexto significativo y empleando experiencias directas y lúdicas. Los resultados evidencian la disminución
de procesos de simplificación fonológica como omisión de la coda silábica /n/ y procesos de sustitución /k/
por /j/, /p/ por /f/; incremento de su repertorio fonético, con la adquisición del fon /s/; uso adecuado de los
verbos irregulares en tiempo pasado y el establecimiento de redes semánticas a través de asociaciones
por similitud y categoría. Se concluye, que el plan de intervención aplicado ha permitido al niño mostrar
avances en los componentes fonético fonológico, morfosintáctico y léxico semántico.
Oral language is a necessary tool for the child to understand and express their thoughts, ideas, concerns and needs spontaneously and appropriately interacting with the family, school and social environment. Its acquisition is a very complex cognitive process and happens during the first years of life, period during which various language skills are developed and consolidated, but this is not always the case, as there are sometimes difficulties that can affect social interaction and learning. The objective of this case study is to design an evaluation and intervention plan appropriate to the needs of a 4-year-old 11 month old with predominantly expressive language disorder. Language disorder is manifested in difficulty in the acquisition and use of spoken or written language due to deficiencies in comprehension or production, which may include a reduced vocabulary, deficient grammatical structures and alterations in the use of speech. Language skills are generally below chronological age, limiting school and social development. The hybrid intervention model is followed, which focuses both on the interests of the child and on the goals set by the therapist, taking into account a significant context and using direct and playful experiences. The results show the decrease of phonological simplification processes as an omission of the syllabic coda /n/ and substitution processes /k/ by /j/, /p/ by /f/; increase in their phonetic repertoire, with the acquisition of fon /s/; proper use of past irregular verbs and the establishment of semantic networks through associations by similarity and category. It is concluded that the intervention plan applied has allowed the child to show advances in phonetic phonological, morphosyntactic and semantic lexical components.
Oral language is a necessary tool for the child to understand and express their thoughts, ideas, concerns and needs spontaneously and appropriately interacting with the family, school and social environment. Its acquisition is a very complex cognitive process and happens during the first years of life, period during which various language skills are developed and consolidated, but this is not always the case, as there are sometimes difficulties that can affect social interaction and learning. The objective of this case study is to design an evaluation and intervention plan appropriate to the needs of a 4-year-old 11 month old with predominantly expressive language disorder. Language disorder is manifested in difficulty in the acquisition and use of spoken or written language due to deficiencies in comprehension or production, which may include a reduced vocabulary, deficient grammatical structures and alterations in the use of speech. Language skills are generally below chronological age, limiting school and social development. The hybrid intervention model is followed, which focuses both on the interests of the child and on the goals set by the therapist, taking into account a significant context and using direct and playful experiences. The results show the decrease of phonological simplification processes as an omission of the syllabic coda /n/ and substitution processes /k/ by /j/, /p/ by /f/; increase in their phonetic repertoire, with the acquisition of fon /s/; proper use of past irregular verbs and the establishment of semantic networks through associations by similarity and category. It is concluded that the intervention plan applied has allowed the child to show advances in phonetic phonological, morphosyntactic and semantic lexical components.
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Discipline: Dificultades de la Comunicación y Lenguaje
Grade or title grantor: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Facultad de Educación
Grade or title: Segunda Especialidad en Dificultades de la Comunicación y Lenguaje
Juror: Chávez Gálvez, Zandy; Ortiz de Orué Aliaga, Julia Vanessa; Suárez Silva, Betsy Yinett
Register date: 3-Jun-2021
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