Bibliographic citations
Yauri, G., (2022). Public Value Scorecard para mejorar la eficiencia de la articulación entre el planeamiento y el presupuesto mediante la interoperatividad de sus procesos y el monitoreo intertemporal en el Ministerio Público (2018 - 2019) [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.].
Yauri, G., Public Value Scorecard para mejorar la eficiencia de la articulación entre el planeamiento y el presupuesto mediante la interoperatividad de sus procesos y el monitoreo intertemporal en el Ministerio Público (2018 - 2019) []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.; 2022.
title = "Public Value Scorecard para mejorar la eficiencia de la articulación entre el planeamiento y el presupuesto mediante la interoperatividad de sus procesos y el monitoreo intertemporal en el Ministerio Público (2018 - 2019)",
author = "Yauri De La Cruz, Gianmarco",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.",
year = "2022"
This innovation project seeks to solve the inefficient articulation between planning and budgeting in the Ministerio Público, evidenced in the Institutional Operational Plans of the years 2018 and 2019. To do this, interviews were conducted with officials of the institution and experts in the matter of the public and private sector, and documentary information related to the research topic was reviewed. The collection of information allowed the identification of three main causes of the problem to be treated, and for each cause two sub-causes or indirect causes were determined. Each of these sub-causes was ranked, determining that the one that has the greatest impact on the problem is the one that indicates that the control processes of the articulation between planning and budgeting are slow and have little systematization. The innovation proposal is the development of a web platform that uses the Balance Scorecard methodology applied to the public sector, which is why it is called "Public Value Scorecard", which allows to focus the strategic objectives of the institution to public value based on financial articulation. Each objective will be made up of strategic actions, which will be measured by means of indicators on a regular basis and with the help of graphs and traffic lights, better control and monitoring of compliance with the established goals will be possible.
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