Bibliographic citations
Alvarado, A., (2023). ¿Es correcto que los operadores de justicia determinen la misma pena para autores y cómplices primarios en el delito de colusión? [Trabajo académico, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Alvarado, A., ¿Es correcto que los operadores de justicia determinen la misma pena para autores y cómplices primarios en el delito de colusión? [Trabajo académico]. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2023.
title = "¿Es correcto que los operadores de justicia determinen la misma pena para autores y cómplices primarios en el delito de colusión?",
author = "Alvarado Cánez, Alex Hugo",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2023"
The purpose of this academic work is to question whether it is appropriate that the operators of justice determine the same penalty for perpetrators and primary accomplices in the crime of collusion, since due to its bilateral nature, there are at least two parties involved, public servant or official and interested party, where the former will have the title of perpetrator and the latter of primary accomplice. Now, it is relevant to point out that, in order to establish the quantum of punishment in an illicit act, the affectation of the legal right and the illicit act must be associated, respecting the principles of proportionality and equality. In the case of the crime we are analyzing, only the public servant or official directly and excessively affects the legal good, since the protection of this legal good is in the sphere of the latter, given that he has a special duty that differentiates him from the other subjects. On the other hand, after a jurisprudential analysis on the determination of the penalty for the crime of collusion, it is noticed that judicial decisions lack predictability, generating legal insecurity. Therefore, evidencing this aspect, we consider that, although it is erroneously interpreted that article 25 of the Criminal Code establishes that the perpetrator and the primary accomplice must have the same specific penalty, the perpetrators must have a greater criminal reproach than the interested parties, in the framework of article 45 of the Criminal Code and the principles of proportionality and equality.
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