Bibliographic citations
Toledo, M., (2023). El derecho fundamental de ejecución de sentencias bajo una tutela jurisdiccional efectiva: fundamentos para una adecuada interpretación del artículo 70.5 de la Ley N° 28411 [Trabajo académico, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Toledo, M., El derecho fundamental de ejecución de sentencias bajo una tutela jurisdiccional efectiva: fundamentos para una adecuada interpretación del artículo 70.5 de la Ley N° 28411 [Trabajo académico]. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2023.
title = "El derecho fundamental de ejecución de sentencias bajo una tutela jurisdiccional efectiva: fundamentos para una adecuada interpretación del artículo 70.5 de la Ley N° 28411",
author = "Toledo Aranda, Melvin Jackeline",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2023"
The aim of this academic work is to carry out an analysis of the interpretation and application of the 70th Article, paragraph 5, of Law N° 28411, which is strictly related to the right to execute judgements under the effective jurisdictional protection. In order to achieve our goal, we will analyze the legal norms that allow the execution of a judgment where the enforcement respondent is the State; in that regard, as part of this investigation, there will be mention of case files where the aforementioned article is applied in Labor Courts of the Piura District; due to the fact that its application allows the enforcement of a ruling in the span of five years following the payment requirement. Given this scenario, we intend to provide a possible way out to the interpretation in the face of the collision between the right of effective jurisdiction protection and the principle of budgetary legality; since both the right and the principle come to collide in their application, as well as in the attention required from the parties.
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