Bibliographic citations
Nuñoz, L., (2019). La visita al hogar como estrategia de intervención del servicio de acompañamiento a familias, del Programa Nacional Cuna Mas, en el distrito de Tambillo - provincia de Huamanga - departamento de Ayacucho. 2015 - 2016 [Tesis, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Nuñoz, L., La visita al hogar como estrategia de intervención del servicio de acompañamiento a familias, del Programa Nacional Cuna Mas, en el distrito de Tambillo - provincia de Huamanga - departamento de Ayacucho. 2015 - 2016 [Tesis]. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2019.
title = "La visita al hogar como estrategia de intervención del servicio de acompañamiento a familias, del Programa Nacional Cuna Mas, en el distrito de Tambillo - provincia de Huamanga - departamento de Ayacucho. 2015 - 2016",
author = "Nuñoz Grandez, Luisa Natalie",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2019"
This is a qualitative research, on the Family Accompaniment Service, (SAF); offered by the National Program CUNA MÁS, for children up to 3 years old. The SAF has two homework strategies; and group sessions with family users. This research focuses on the VISIT TO HOMES strategy that allows us to approach the daily space of policy implementation, its procedures, competences, and its contribution to child development. The identification, analysis and evaluation of the perceptions of the user families and of the facilitators that implement the SAF has been studied. The main findings point out the deficiencies of the service in its operational phase; insufficient criteria for the conformation of the CG, which generates absenteeism, lack of monitoring and surveillance of the actions; as well as a weak message of care and hygiene practices, which are not installed as habits. Some elements that hinder the objectives; It is the deterioration of the instruments of work (toys, stories etc). Another difficulty is that the family does not put into practice the promoted actions. The families do not participate actively in the validation or improvement of the strategy, they even say they feel used by the Program for the fulfillment of their goals. These deficiencies are attributed to the inadequate social management of the SAF Project. The proposal put forward, aimed at implementing a strategic work of the permanent community organization of the Board of Irrigators (JUDRA) and the NMCP, to potentiate a model of co-management involving efficiency SAF and responsible participation and of the community, to promote greater awareness of families and authorities; about early childhood.
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