Bibliographic citations
Zárate, M., Ascue, V. (2023). VRAEM: Fuerza de Tareas Conjunta (FUTAC) para mejorar la eficacia de las operaciones de interdicción al tráfico ilícito de drogas (TID) realizadas por la Dirección Antidrogas PNP (2018 – 2020) [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.].
Zárate, M., Ascue, V. VRAEM: Fuerza de Tareas Conjunta (FUTAC) para mejorar la eficacia de las operaciones de interdicción al tráfico ilícito de drogas (TID) realizadas por la Dirección Antidrogas PNP (2018 – 2020) []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.; 2023.
title = "VRAEM: Fuerza de Tareas Conjunta (FUTAC) para mejorar la eficacia de las operaciones de interdicción al tráfico ilícito de drogas (TID) realizadas por la Dirección Antidrogas PNP (2018 – 2020)",
author = "Ascue Tello, Victor Manuel",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.",
year = "2023"
The VRAEM, one of the poorest, most violent and forgotten areas in Peru, is dominated by the cultivation of coca leaf and a high influence of drug trafficking. The response of the State through the Police has not been successful, the inefficiency in the operations to interdict Illicit Drug Trafficking (TID) continues in the coca-growing valley, or even worsens the situation, the coca crops, the production of cocaine, and the number of drug trafficking laboratories. The causes are various and this project explores them in as much detail as possible, the main factor of which is the insufficient availability of human and logistical resources of the Anti-Drug Directorate (DIRANDRO), especially in the Maneuver Division against TID Vraem in Ayacucho, headquarters Palmapampa, with serious performance problems The issue of how to improve the human and logistical resources of the anti- drug police personnel in the Vraem to obtain effective interdiction operations against the TID, is still valid; and this project proposes an innovative solution, which is called the Joint Task Force (FUTAC). This prototype, born from a concept of innovation, which gathers national and international experiences, such as the cases of Bolivia, Colombia and Italy, is an operational unit, led by DIRANDRO, which unifies inter-institutional efforts that go beyond the powers and possibilities of the police institution through joint, complementary and coordinated work in a multidisciplinary environment based on four components: a land, air, prosecutorial and intelligence component. This project contributes with a proposal for inter-institutional articulation in contexts of the fight against drug trafficking, as is the case of Vraem, from a perspective that goes beyond the normative-legal, incorporating a realistic approach to interdiction operations to the TID in the Vraem, and how to improve its effectiveness.
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