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Chirinos, B., De, E., Yapu, C., Berrios, T., Passuni, G. (2024). Business Consulting para NebulaSync Solutions [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Chirinos, B., De, E., Yapu, C., Berrios, T., Passuni, G. Business Consulting para NebulaSync Solutions []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2024.
title = "Business Consulting para NebulaSync Solutions",
author = "Passuni Sánchez, Gian Frano",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2024"
Title: Business Consulting para NebulaSync Solutions
Authors(s): Chirinos Recharte, Blanca; De La Torre Moreyra, Erika Alcira; Yapu Quispe, Carmen Pilar; Berrios Reyes, Tino Frank; Passuni Sánchez, Gian Frano
Advisor(s): Bazán Tejada, Carlos Armando
Keywords: Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica; Empresas--Organización; Soluciones tecnológicas
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 24-Jul-2024
Institution: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Abstract: NebulaSync Solutions inició sus operaciones en 2010 con un enfoque en el modelo de
negocio B2B. La empresa se especializa en el desarrollo de aplicaciones ofrecidas como
Software as a Service (SaaS), destacándose por su capacidad para implementar y actualizar
productos, así como por su habilidad para incorporar nuevas funciones en respuesta a los
avances en tecnología digital.
Respaldada por un equipo sólido de programadores y dirigida por un gerente con amplia
experiencia en el campo, NebulaSync Solutions ha logrado establecerse como un actor
relevante en el mercado. Sin embargo, a pesar de estos logros, la empresa ha identificado
áreas de mejora significativas. En particular, se observa una falta de desarrollo en el área
administrativa y financiera, así como debilidades en la gestión comercial, la cual tiende a ser
reactiva en lugar de proactiva.
Tras efectuar un análisis exhaustivo, la presente consultoría ha identificado que el principal
desafío de NebulaSync Solutions radica en la disminución de su rentabilidad. Este problema
se atribuye a varios factores, entre ellos la carencia de personal clave, una gestión contable-
financiera deficiente que obstaculiza la trazabilidad de los gastos y la falta de estrategias para
expandir su base de clientes. Para abordar estos desafíos, se propone un plan de acción
escalonado, Reestructuración Organizacional: En una primera etapa, se recomienda llevar a
cabo un cambio en la estructura organizativa, como la contratación de un administrador
contable-financiero dedicado y crear dos posiciones para personal de ventas. Estos roles son
esenciales para fortalecer la gestión interna y desarrollar estrategias efectivas para aumentar
la rentabilidad y la base de clientes. Implementación de un Sistema ERP: En una segunda
etapa, se sugiere la implementación de un sistema ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)
adaptado a las necesidades específicas de la empresa. Este sistema ayudará a mejorar la eficiencia operativa, facilitará la gestión financiera y permitirá una mejor coordinación entre
los diferentes departamentos de la organización. Implementación de la Gestión Comercial: En
la etapa final, se propone la formación de un equipo comercial de dos analistas de ventas,
dedicado a la atención de clientes.
El análisis financiero de estas implementaciones, se muestran viables, y al ser progresivos
permitirá efectuar los ajustes, de modo que se puedan tener resultados de manera inmediata
en cuanto a gestión y establecimiento del plan estratégico integral.
NebulaSync Solutions started its operations in 2010 with a focus on the B2B business model. The company specializes in the development of applications offered as Software as a Service (SaaS), standing out for its ability to implement and update products, as well as its ability to incorporate new features in response to advances in digital technology. Supported by a strong team of programmers and led by a manager with extensive experience in the field, NebulaSync Solutions has managed to establish itself as a relevant player in the market. However, despite these accomplishments, the company has identified significant areas of improvement. In particular, a lack of development is observed in the administrative and financial area, as well as weaknesses in commercial management, which tends to be reactive instead of proactive. After conducting an exhaustive analysis, this consultancy has identified that NebulaSync Solutions' main challenge lies in the decrease in its profitability. This problem is attributed to several factors, including a lack of key personnel, poor accounting-financial management that hinders the traceability of expenses, and a lack of strategies to expand its customer base. To address these challenges, a step-by-step action plan is proposed: Organizational Restructuring: In a first stage, it is recommended to make a change in the organizational structure, like the hiring a dedicated accounting-financial administrator, and open two sales staff positions. These roles are essential for strengthening internal management and developing effective strategies to increase profitability and customer base. Implementation of an ERP System: In a second stage, it is suggested the implementation of an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system adapted to the specific needs of the company. This system will help improve operational efficiency, facilitate financial management and allow better coordination between different departments of the organization. Formation of a Commercial Team: In the final stage, the formation of a commercial of team of two sales analysts is proposed, dedicated to the acquisition and retention of customers. The financial analysis of these implementations appears to be viable, and as they are progressive, they will allow adjustments to be made so that immediate results can be obtained in terms of management and establishment of the comprehensive strategic plan.
NebulaSync Solutions started its operations in 2010 with a focus on the B2B business model. The company specializes in the development of applications offered as Software as a Service (SaaS), standing out for its ability to implement and update products, as well as its ability to incorporate new features in response to advances in digital technology. Supported by a strong team of programmers and led by a manager with extensive experience in the field, NebulaSync Solutions has managed to establish itself as a relevant player in the market. However, despite these accomplishments, the company has identified significant areas of improvement. In particular, a lack of development is observed in the administrative and financial area, as well as weaknesses in commercial management, which tends to be reactive instead of proactive. After conducting an exhaustive analysis, this consultancy has identified that NebulaSync Solutions' main challenge lies in the decrease in its profitability. This problem is attributed to several factors, including a lack of key personnel, poor accounting-financial management that hinders the traceability of expenses, and a lack of strategies to expand its customer base. To address these challenges, a step-by-step action plan is proposed: Organizational Restructuring: In a first stage, it is recommended to make a change in the organizational structure, like the hiring a dedicated accounting-financial administrator, and open two sales staff positions. These roles are essential for strengthening internal management and developing effective strategies to increase profitability and customer base. Implementation of an ERP System: In a second stage, it is suggested the implementation of an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system adapted to the specific needs of the company. This system will help improve operational efficiency, facilitate financial management and allow better coordination between different departments of the organization. Formation of a Commercial Team: In the final stage, the formation of a commercial of team of two sales analysts is proposed, dedicated to the acquisition and retention of customers. The financial analysis of these implementations appears to be viable, and as they are progressive, they will allow adjustments to be made so that immediate results can be obtained in terms of management and establishment of the comprehensive strategic plan.
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Discipline: Administración Estratégica de Empresas
Grade or title grantor: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. CENTRUM
Grade or title: Maestro en Administración Estratégica de Empresas
Juror: Loza Geldres, Igor Leopoldo; Arrieta Quispe, María Del Carmen; Bazán Tejada, Carlos Armando
Register date: 24-Jul-2024
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