Bibliographic citations
Sanes, R., (2020). Factores que afectan la distribución y consumo de los desayunos escolares, del Programa Nacional de Alimentación Escolar Qali Warma (modalidad raciones), en 15 instituciones educativas del distrito de San Vicente de la Provincia de Cañete [Tesis, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Sanes, R., Factores que afectan la distribución y consumo de los desayunos escolares, del Programa Nacional de Alimentación Escolar Qali Warma (modalidad raciones), en 15 instituciones educativas del distrito de San Vicente de la Provincia de Cañete [Tesis]. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2020.
title = "Factores que afectan la distribución y consumo de los desayunos escolares, del Programa Nacional de Alimentación Escolar Qali Warma (modalidad raciones), en 15 instituciones educativas del distrito de San Vicente de la Provincia de Cañete",
author = "Sanes Yauri, Rosa Magaly",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2020"
The National School Feeding Program Qali Warma is a program of the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion, which provides breakfast rations to girls and boys at the initial and primary levels throughout the school year , enrolled in the country's public institutions. The breakfast rations distributed by the Program must guarantee their quality and safety. The age group served, are children between 3 and 12 years old, highly vulnerable, who consume what adults provide, so the rations must contribute to their nutritional health, that responds to the development of all their skills and achieve a life productive and healthy The purpose of the research is to identify the factors that are affecting the implementation of the distribution and consumption processes of the Quay Warma PNAE rations , in the educational institutions of the San Vicente district, in the province of Cañete, r egion Lima. The research is based on theoretical assumptions of social policy: inclusion, interculturality, food security and human development. Research shows that among the main factors limiting the implementation of distribution processes and consumption of breakfast servings are: the paucity of feedback on the nutritional quality, safety, energy intake, importance of distribution and consumption schedule, etc., does not help raise awareness among parents and teachers about the importance of their use. The weak relationship of trust between the feeding program and the parents is another important aspect that limits the achievement of the objectives of the program. As a recommendation, it is proposed to strengthen training processes, relate more closely with parents and create more effective forms of communication.
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