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Antequera, A., Carrillo, J., Ticlla, M., Torres, G. (2021). Business consulting report de Coral Ingeniería y Construcción SAC [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Antequera, A., Carrillo, J., Ticlla, M., Torres, G. Business consulting report de Coral Ingeniería y Construcción SAC []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Business consulting report de Coral Ingeniería y Construcción SAC",
author = "Torres Zapata, Gino Paolo",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2021"
Title: Business consulting report de Coral Ingeniería y Construcción SAC
Authors(s): Antequera Huaman, Angel Ananias; Carrillo Rebatta, Jordana Lisseth; Ticlla Rivera, Maria Elena; Torres Zapata, Gino Paolo
Advisor(s): O’Brien Cáceres, Juan
Keywords: Consultores de empresas; Industria de la construcción--Administración; Industria de la construcción--Perú
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 24-Nov-2021
Institution: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Abstract: Coral Ingeniería y Construcción es una empresa peruana del sector construcción
creada desde 1993 con operaciones en la región Ancash, principalmente. Se especializa en la
elaboración de expedientes técnicos, ejecución de obras de saneamiento, edificaciones e
ingeniería civil. La empresa busca optimizar los procesos en las áreas de operación, soporte y
dirección con la finalidad de ser eficientes en costos. El objetivo de la presente consultoría
consistió en identificar el problema principal que limita el logro de sus objetivos. Para ello se
han aplicado diferentes herramientas dentro del proceso del Design Thinking que permitieron
entender la problemática principal y presentar soluciones para los problemas identificados
como desfases en la ejecución de obras, retraso de partidas, retrasos de abastecimiento de
recursos productivos y falta de comunicación entre las áreas de operaciones. A través del uso
de la matriz de Vester, se identificó que el principal problema es la ausencia de planificación
y control diario de los procesos operacionales. Aunque la empresa registra resultados
financieros positivos en los últimos cuatro años, a través del business consulting se han
identificado ocho soluciones idóneas para optimizar sus procesos y elevar su margen de
contribución. Luego, dividimos las soluciones planteadas en grupo A y B como resultado de
la aplicación de matriz FACTIS. Cómo consecuencia de ello, se planteó en el grupo A el
desarrollo del plan estratégico y desarrollo de KPI´s por área en base a las perspectivas del
Balanced Scorecard, su monitoreo en el tiempo a través de auditorías internas, la
implementación de soluciones tecnológicas y la administración estratégica de la
comunicación interna y control operacional. Finalmente, se propone un plan de
implementación para un escenario moderado con una inversión de S/. 61,800.00, generando
ahorros anuales del 7% sobre el costo de ventas sobre el análisis de un flujo de caja en un
escenario sin ventas, obteniendo un VAN de S/. 32,682.95 lo que permite respaldar la
propuesta de solución al problema mencionado.
Coral Ingeniería y Construcción is a Peruvian company in the construction sector created since 1993 with operations in the Ancash region, mainly. It specializes in the preparation of technical files, execution of sanitation works, buildings and civil engineering. The company seeks to optimize processes in the areas of operation, support and management in order to be cost efficient. The objective of this consultancy was to identify the main problem that limits the achievement of its objectives. For this, different tools have been applied within the Design Thinking process that allowed us to understand the main problem and present solutions for the problems identified as delays in the execution of works, delays in departures, delays in the supply of productive resources and lack of communication between the companies. areas of operations. Using the Vester matrix, it was identified that the main problem is the absence of planning and daily control of operational processes. Although the company has recorded positive financial results in the last four years, eight suitable solutions have been identified through business consulting to optimize its processes and increase its contribution margin. Then, we divide the solutions proposed into group A and B as a result of applying the FACTIS matrix. As a consequence of this, the development of the strategic plan and development of KPI's by area based on the perspectives of the Balanced Scorecard, its monitoring over time through internal audits, the implementation of technological solutions and the strategic management of internal communication and operational control. Finally, an implementation plan is proposed for a moderate scenario with an investment of 61,800 PEN, generating annual savings of 7% on the cost of sales on the analysis of a cash flow in a scenario without sales, obtaining a NPV of 32,682.95 PEN which allows to support the proposed solution to the mentioned problem.
Coral Ingeniería y Construcción is a Peruvian company in the construction sector created since 1993 with operations in the Ancash region, mainly. It specializes in the preparation of technical files, execution of sanitation works, buildings and civil engineering. The company seeks to optimize processes in the areas of operation, support and management in order to be cost efficient. The objective of this consultancy was to identify the main problem that limits the achievement of its objectives. For this, different tools have been applied within the Design Thinking process that allowed us to understand the main problem and present solutions for the problems identified as delays in the execution of works, delays in departures, delays in the supply of productive resources and lack of communication between the companies. areas of operations. Using the Vester matrix, it was identified that the main problem is the absence of planning and daily control of operational processes. Although the company has recorded positive financial results in the last four years, eight suitable solutions have been identified through business consulting to optimize its processes and increase its contribution margin. Then, we divide the solutions proposed into group A and B as a result of applying the FACTIS matrix. As a consequence of this, the development of the strategic plan and development of KPI's by area based on the perspectives of the Balanced Scorecard, its monitoring over time through internal audits, the implementation of technological solutions and the strategic management of internal communication and operational control. Finally, an implementation plan is proposed for a moderate scenario with an investment of 61,800 PEN, generating annual savings of 7% on the cost of sales on the analysis of a cash flow in a scenario without sales, obtaining a NPV of 32,682.95 PEN which allows to support the proposed solution to the mentioned problem.
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Discipline: Administración Estratégica de Empresas
Grade or title grantor: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. CENTRUM
Grade or title: Maestro en Administración Estratégica de Empresas
Juror: Percy Samoel Marquina Feldman; Kelly Rojas Valdez; Juan O'Brien Caceres
Register date: 24-Nov-2021
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