Bibliographic citations
Ramos, M., (2023). Racionalidad en la argumentación jurídica para el otorgamiento de medidas de protección con enfoque de género en la Ley N° 30364 [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Ramos, M., Racionalidad en la argumentación jurídica para el otorgamiento de medidas de protección con enfoque de género en la Ley N° 30364 []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2023.
title = "Racionalidad en la argumentación jurídica para el otorgamiento de medidas de protección con enfoque de género en la Ley N° 30364",
author = "Ramos Ríos, Miguel Ángel",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2023"
To judge, with knowledge of cause, is to know the object of judgment, to know entails the idea of truth, and this, confirms the knowledge, allowing to propose something, supported and proven in rational arguments. Under this premise, we intend to analyze the conditions for rational thinking in the formulation of the arguments of material and formal justification in the concession of protection measures under the gender perspective contemplated in Law N° 30364, which will provide that from this perspective, the decisive reason for violence against women is "her new condition as a woman", self-determined with the concurrence of her freedom in denial of the gender stereotypes derived from socio-cultural patterns imposed by the community or society; therefore, it´s very important to know if in the time and geographic space in which the woman develops, sociocultural patterns exist or persist and what they are; then, if with the concurrence of her freedom she decided to deny any or all of the dominant gender stereotypes in her community or society. A similar inquiry should be made into the thinking of the aggressor; this will make it possible to define what is the stereotype denied by the victim that caused the violence, which in turn will make it possible to define the necessary protection measure to put an end to it.
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