Bibliographic citations
Cáceres, R., Magaño, W. (2023). Factores que contribuyeron a la gestión de cumplimiento de compromisos por parte del “Comité de Monitoreo, Seguimiento y Verificación de los acuerdos de la Mesa de Diálogo para analizar la problemática minera del Departamento de Moquegua en torno al Proyecto Minero Quellaveco, durante los años 2019 y 2020 [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Cáceres, R., Magaño, W. Factores que contribuyeron a la gestión de cumplimiento de compromisos por parte del “Comité de Monitoreo, Seguimiento y Verificación de los acuerdos de la Mesa de Diálogo para analizar la problemática minera del Departamento de Moquegua en torno al Proyecto Minero Quellaveco, durante los años 2019 y 2020 []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2023.
title = "Factores que contribuyeron a la gestión de cumplimiento de compromisos por parte del “Comité de Monitoreo, Seguimiento y Verificación de los acuerdos de la Mesa de Diálogo para analizar la problemática minera del Departamento de Moquegua en torno al Proyecto Minero Quellaveco, durante los años 2019 y 2020",
author = "Magaño Fernández, Wilber Jhon",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2023"
The Committee for Monitoring, Follow-up and Verification of the agreements of the Dialogue Table to analyze the mining problem of the department of Moquegua, constitutes an experience of democratic dialogue around the fulfillment of commitments generated in a dialogue space, being a prevention strategy social conflicts, based on the active participation of actors from the State, business, community and civil society, around a participatory management model for compliance with commitments, thereby creating shared value, positive positioning of the State, improvement of relations community, generation of public value, among other benefits. The present investigation analyzes and studies the factors that contributed to the management of compliance with the commitments monitored by the Monitoring and Follow-up Committee, between the years 2019 and 2020, through the use of the qualitative research strategy, based on information collected from of semi-structured interviews applied to the subjects of law, executors and third parties, as well as the collection and review of secondary information collected. This research is relevant for social management because its objective is to know the actions that allowed the efficient functioning of the Monitoring and Follow-up Committee, the existence of participatory mechanisms, as well as the level of assessment and perception that its members have of the space for dialogue, regarding the management carried out by the Monitoring and Follow-up Committee, during 2019 and 2020. In the same way, this investigation is part of social management because it allows determining if the Monitoring and Follow-up Committee managed to respond to the demands and concerns of the local population, around the Quellaveco Mining Project
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