Bibliographic citations
Piscoya, V., Salinas, M., Tapia, G. (2022). Propuesta para mejorar el relacionamiento de Distribuidora Cummins Peru S.A.C. con sus clientes del sector automotriz [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Piscoya, V., Salinas, M., Tapia, G. Propuesta para mejorar el relacionamiento de Distribuidora Cummins Peru S.A.C. con sus clientes del sector automotriz []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Propuesta para mejorar el relacionamiento de Distribuidora Cummins Peru S.A.C. con sus clientes del sector automotriz",
author = "Tapia Martell, Giovana Acneris",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2022"
"Distribuidora Cummins Peru SAC" is the official distributor of Cummins Inc. in Peru, offering the market solutions in diesel engines, electric generators, filters, equipment rental and spare parts. Its General Manager points out that there was a reduction in sales in 2019 compared to 2018 in the parts line in automotive segment of Indirect channel of the Aftermarket Business Unit, for which he requests the design some action plans that allow the company recover it sales volume and improve the relationship with principal customers. The business consulting began with the collection of information through interviews with the Commercial Manager of the Indirect Channel and the leaders of related areas such as supply and IT, requesting support for their conclusions. This made it possible to validate that the reduction in sales was 16% and to identify that the Pareto of the problem is in the B2B model with three TOP Dealers whose billing represents more than 89.8% of the income of the Aftermarket automotive segment, which represents an income of $896,042. Through the "cause-effect" analysis complemented with the "5 whys" technique, it was identified that the root cause is in the lack of focus on the client, by failing to meet their expectations of profitability, availability and brand support. It should be noted that the company invests resources in serving its customers, but it is not really focused on their expectations, it does not achieve the expected results, reducing its productivity and competitiveness, this weakness being taken advantage of by alternative brands that will always be an option for the customer. As a result of the above, it is proposed that the solution be based on the "Customer Centricity" approach in order to align the conceptualization, development and marketing of parts based on the needs and expectations of the three main customers. Likewise, through a decision matriz, "Design Thinking" was identified as the ideal methodology for the design of the improvement proposal. This methodology, through its Empathize and Define Phases, allowed the team to identify the main pains and define the focus of action to improve the relationship between Company and the Dealers; all this based on the insights of the interviews with the Dealers' staff as well as in the workshop with the staff of the evaluated company. In the Design Phase, it was established that the most viable proposal is to offer these clients a new Premium service designed based on the development of 4 pillars, which were designed in the Prototype Phase, and which have the approval of the Company and the dealers. The implementation of the proposal will be carried out in a period of two years and eight months, which will allow the company to recover the volume of sales lost in 2019 compared to 2018, maintaining a margin in the line of parts above the objective of 27%. Likewise, it seeks to raise the level of service offered by improving the availability of parts and reducing extra costs for meeting requirements by emergency mode from 15% to 2% and inventory costs. On the other hand, it is expected to contribute 56% of dealer sales through a merchandising program and delivery of promotional materials that generate brand coverage and direct information to the end customer through artificial intelligence. This will allow both the Dealer and "Cummins Peru Distributor" to anticipate customer demands and achieve their satisfaction.
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