Bibliographic citations
Lescano, C., (2018). “Receptividad del servicio de acompañamiento a familias del programa nacional cuna más en comunidades del distrito de Condebamba” [Tesis, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Lescano, C., “Receptividad del servicio de acompañamiento a familias del programa nacional cuna más en comunidades del distrito de Condebamba” [Tesis]. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2018.
title = "“Receptividad del servicio de acompañamiento a familias del programa nacional cuna más en comunidades del distrito de Condebamba”",
author = "Lescano Huaccha, Cesar Andrés",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2018"
The Servicio de Acompañamiento a Familias of the Programa Nacional Cuna Más in the Condebamba district, Cajabamba province, department of Cajamarca. It is an opportunity to develop and strengthen knowledge, skills and practices of care and learning in families. The service is developed through actions with families and community, in order to improve the child development of children under 36 months. However, this opportunity is not fully exploited by factors that determine the low receptivity of the service by families, authorities and residents. The influential factors in the low receptivity are: reduced participation of the father in the home visit; deteriorated and incomplete educational material; authorities do not actively commit themselves; management committee and supervisory board perform their functions partially; certain facilitators do not comply with their activities; finally, the level of information management of the actors regarding the service is low. It should be noted that despite the low receptivity, the service has positive results evidenced by the different actors. Children users have managed to: regulate their emotions, they are able to learn new things, they are safe, autonomous, with the ability to relate to their peers, adults and their environment. Another aspect is the change in the caregivers regarding: the time of attention they dedicate to their children, and the practice of activities carried out during the home visit. The factors that determine the low receptivity of the service by families, authorities and residents have motivated the present Thesis. The purpose is to design strategies that improve: the quality of the visits and the work with the caregivers; community management and monitoring of vigilance committees and councils; the permanent accompaniment in the processes by the technical accompaniers and specialists; finally the efficiency in monitoring and monitoring.
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