Bibliographic citations
Castaño, L., (2023). Nociones sobre la Meditación en un grupo de estudiantes de 5to de secundaria de un colegio privado de Lima [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Castaño, L., Nociones sobre la Meditación en un grupo de estudiantes de 5to de secundaria de un colegio privado de Lima []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2023.
title = "Nociones sobre la Meditación en un grupo de estudiantes de 5to de secundaria de un colegio privado de Lima",
author = "Castaño Garcia, Lucia Eliana",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2023"
This thesis aims to bring us closer to knowing the various notions that exist among adolescents in the 5th grade of secondary school in a private school in Lima on the subject of meditation. Likewise, it aims to share valuable academic information about the practice of meditation, it ́s origin and its extensive uses in the mainstream world, either as a life philosophy or to improve people ́s life. These techniques have been used worldwide since the 90 ́s to support the wellbeing of some vulnerable population. This research focuses on adolescents. It is a descriptive and mix research that have used surveys, with the entire 11th grade and Focus Groups, with a smaller voluntary group of students. One with students without experience meditating and the other with students with some experience. There were three students without experience and four with some. Thanks to these tools, I could find out some conceptions and experiences that this group had about meditation. Something that stood out was how little both groups knew about this practice, nevertheless the meditating group had used meditation as support when going through an emotional crisis during the pandemic time and also to improve their concentration when learning in school. All these students learned about meditation through digital media. The students without meditation experience, expressed some rejection towards it. However, the students who had meditated before, mentioned some of the benefits that they received thanks to it.
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