Bibliographic citations
Balarezo, L., (2024). Informe sobre expediente de relevancia jurídica N° 00155-2012-0-1817-SP-CO-02, E-2664, proceso de anulación de laudo arbitral iniciado por Química Suiza SA v. Dongo Soria Gaveglio Asociados SCRL y otros [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Balarezo, L., Informe sobre expediente de relevancia jurídica N° 00155-2012-0-1817-SP-CO-02, E-2664, proceso de anulación de laudo arbitral iniciado por Química Suiza SA v. Dongo Soria Gaveglio Asociados SCRL y otros []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2024.
title = "Informe sobre expediente de relevancia jurídica N° 00155-2012-0-1817-SP-CO-02, E-2664, proceso de anulación de laudo arbitral iniciado por Química Suiza SA v. Dongo Soria Gaveglio Asociados SCRL y otros",
author = "Balarezo Contreras, Lidia María",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2024"
The purpose of this report is to examine if the arbitral award challenged in the annulment proceeding in Case No. 155-2012 was validly partially annulled. First, we will examine the right to the motivation of the awards as a constitutionally protected content of the right to effective judicial protection, which, although the merits of the motivation of the awards cannot be reviewed in court, the arbitrators must demonstrate the reasoning that led them to the award in favor of one of the parties. Second, we will analyze the right to evidence in arbitration, and we will determine what is the standard of evidentiary assessment that can be challenged in the annulment process. Third, we will explain the right to be judged by an impartial and independent arbitrator as a right of the due process of arbitration, in the context of a trip made between an arbitrator and one of the lawyers representing one of the parties to the arbitration, which was not disclosed at the request of the alleged party affected by such circumstance. In this regard, we will examine whether the party affected by such non-disclosure could use any means to challenge such alleged lack of impartiality and independence, after the closing of the arbitration proceedings and the setting of the time limit for the award.
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