Bibliographic citations
Aquije, E., Cacñahuaray, F., Rodríguez, J., Torres, M. (2022). Modelo prolab: “Coffené Premium”, propuesta de procesamiento y comercialización de café premium del Perené [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Aquije, E., Cacñahuaray, F., Rodríguez, J., Torres, M. Modelo prolab: “Coffené Premium”, propuesta de procesamiento y comercialización de café premium del Perené []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Modelo prolab: “Coffené Premium”, propuesta de procesamiento y comercialización de café premium del Perené",
author = "Torres Simón, Marco Antonio",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2022"
This feasibility project called "Coffené Premium", a Proposal for Processing and Marketing Perené Premium Coffee, aimed to determine the viability of the business plan to produce coffee from the Perené District, province of Chanchamayo - Junín and market it through large commercial chains nationwide. This project was born because premium quality coffee is currently grown in that area, but its farmers have few possibilities of obtaining appropriate profits according to their production, due to the absence of transformation techniques and processes that allow them better economic development. The study was developed under a mixed approach, being the instruments used for the collection of information: surveys directed at consumers, which allowed determining their tastes and preferences, interviews with representatives of large commercial chains at the national level and documents were also used, reports and analysis related to the coffee sector in Peru. The results obtained allowed us to conclude that the implementation of the Coffené Premium project is feasible and viable and the indicators obtained yielded a financial VPN of S/3,953,1 thousand soles and a financial IRR of 81.66%, higher than the proposed WACC, the cost benefit yielded a value of 1.41 (41% return for each sol invested) and a recovery of investments for the fifth month of the second year of operations, in addition, the results of social sustainability showed a VPN of S/3,990,7 thousand soles, and an LTV/CAC ratio > 1 for the five periods.
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