Bibliographic citations
Alcala, C., Barrera, M., Castro, A., Rodriguez, M., Taylor, R. (2022). Propuesta de negocio para la implementación de un marketplace de servicios de limpieza y mantenimiento del hogar – Soluciones Ya [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Alcala, C., Barrera, M., Castro, A., Rodriguez, M., Taylor, R. Propuesta de negocio para la implementación de un marketplace de servicios de limpieza y mantenimiento del hogar – Soluciones Ya []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Propuesta de negocio para la implementación de un marketplace de servicios de limpieza y mantenimiento del hogar – Soluciones Ya",
author = "Taylor Tapia, Ronald Gillies",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2022"
Over the last years, Lima has experienced changes in the lifestyle of its population, where people are now more stressed and overwhelmed due to lack of time. One of the main problems lies in housekeeping tasks such as cleaning and maintaining. Finding reliable people who can promptly provide good quality service is no more accessible. We propose to fill this gap through technology with a digital marketplace solution to connect users with potential service providers. We suggest a mobile application called "Soluciones Ya", which will offer on-demand cleaning and home maintenance services. The user will request a cleaner by using geolocation and a scheduling app. The digital solution is considered innovative because it would manage neighbourhood commerce, i.e., providing a close geographical range cleaner. This business model would also allow the cleaner to improve their skills through different training plans and would allow them to access the financial system by the payment methods of the app. This business model provides the ‘user’with with a secure, high quality, and fast solution to their housekeeping issues. It also generates a positive impact on the environment, promoting non-polluting transportation as we expect to considerably reduce the ‘cleaners’ distance from their home to their workplace or from job to job. The impacts are aligned with Sustainable Development Goals 5, 8 and 13, and it is considered financially viable with positive and attractive profitability indicators for the investor.
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