Bibliographic citations
Andrade, C., Guevara, G., Mayorga, P., Pacheco, A. (2021). Plan y diseño de una propuesta de negocio “P´UKU: Coworking gastronómico en el distrito de San Isidro” [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Andrade, C., Guevara, G., Mayorga, P., Pacheco, A. Plan y diseño de una propuesta de negocio “P´UKU: Coworking gastronómico en el distrito de San Isidro” []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Plan y diseño de una propuesta de negocio “P´UKU: Coworking gastronómico en el distrito de San Isidro”",
author = "Pacheco Villanueva, Araceli",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2021"
As a result of the pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, many companies, from different sizes and sectors had to reduce and even close their operations, resulting in an increase of the unemployment rate from 7.1% in February 2020 to 15.3% in march 2021 (BCRP, 2021). However, during periods of crisis, such as the current economic situation in Peru, many qualities of the human being are enhanced, such as the entrepreneurial spirit, has experienced growth, mainly in the gastronomic sector. The initiative of this business plan is to help this entrepreneurial spirit through an alternative of shared rental of spaces, also known as coworking, called P'uku. The main idea of P'uku is to offer small entrepreneurs the opportunity to develop their business in well-equipped environments, flexible schedules and without the need to invest large amounts of capital in infrastructure. The results of surveys carried out with 59 gastronomic entrepreneurs in Metropolitan Lima, allow us to verify the value of services; storage, delivery for purchase of raw materials and delivery of their finished products. For this reason, these services were added to the initial proposal, to allow users to increase their productivity, improve costs, and gain more market share. In terms of viability, a positive economic and social impact is evident. The net present value generated by the project in a period of 10 years is S/ 468,098.25, which means a positive value for the shareholders.
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