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Chacca, M., Mayta, R. (2021). Estudio de caso de un niño de 2 años 10 meses con retraso del lenguaje [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Chacca, M., Mayta, R. Estudio de caso de un niño de 2 años 10 meses con retraso del lenguaje []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Estudio de caso de un niño de 2 años 10 meses con retraso del lenguaje",
author = "Mayta Merma, Rubali",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2021"
Title: Estudio de caso de un niño de 2 años 10 meses con retraso del lenguaje
Authors(s): Chacca Mayhuire, Maribel; Mayta Merma, Rubali
Advisor(s): Sing Ore, Angelica Maria
Keywords: Niños--Lenguaje; Trastornos del habla en niños
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 31-May-2021
Institution: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Abstract: El lenguaje es una capacidad que permite que el niño pueda adaptarse e interactuar con personas de su entorno
así como también controlar su conducta, sin embargo, en ocasiones el lenguaje no se llega a desarrollar dentro de
lo esperado para la edad, por lo que genera una dificultad en la comunicación, esto conlleva a que el niño tenga
sentimientos de inseguridad, frustración y su desarrollo esté alterado; entonces, una intervención oportuna brindará
al niño recursos para favorecer el lenguaje y la comunicación. El presente estudio de caso tiene como objetivo
elaborar un plan de evaluación e intervención de un niño de 2 años 10 meses con presunción diagnostica de retraso
del lenguaje. El retraso del lenguaje se caracteriza por presentar un perfil lingüístico por debajo de la media normal
de otros niños de su edad que afecta en los componentes del lenguaje, sobre todo en el aspecto expresivo. La
intervención se basó en estrategias centradas en el adulto y el niño: modelo hibrido. Tras un periodo de intervención
se evidenció resultados significativos en el componente léxico semántico respecto al incremento del vocabulario
comprensivo y expresivo, asimismo, la comprensión de encabezadores ¿Dónde? y ¿Quién (acción)?. Respecto al
componente morfosintáctico, también logró un avance significativo en el seguimiento de instrucciones simples de
una acción más dos elementos, del mismo modo en ampliación de frases. Al culminar las sesiones programadas
se pudo evidenciar el cumplimiento de los objetivos propuestos en los diferentes componentes. De esta manera se
concluye que la intervención oportuna contribuyó a mejorar la capacidad del niño de comunicarse con su entorno
familiar y social.
Language is a capacity that allows the child to adapt and interact with people in their environment as well as control their behavior, however, sometimes language does not develop within what is expected for the age, so it generates a difficulty in communication, this leads to the child having feelings of insecurity, frustration and his development is altered; then, a timely intervention will provide the child with resources to promote language and communication. The present case study aims to develop an evaluation and intervention plan for a 2-year-10-month-old child with a presumed diagnosis of language delay. Language delay is characterized by presenting a linguistic profile below the normal average of other children of their age that affects the components of language, especially the expressive aspect. The intervention was based on strategies centered on the adult and the child: hybrid model. After a period of intervention, significant results were evidenced in the semantic lexical component with respect to the increase in comprehensive and expressive vocabulary, as well as the understanding of headings. Where? and Who (action)? Regarding the morphosyntactic component, it also achieved a significant advance in following simple oneaction instructions plus two elements, in the same way in the extension of sentences. At the end of the scheduled sessions, it was possible to demonstrate the fulfillment of the objectives proposed in the different components. In this way, it is concluded that the timely intervention contributed to improving the child's ability to communicate with his family and social environment.
Language is a capacity that allows the child to adapt and interact with people in their environment as well as control their behavior, however, sometimes language does not develop within what is expected for the age, so it generates a difficulty in communication, this leads to the child having feelings of insecurity, frustration and his development is altered; then, a timely intervention will provide the child with resources to promote language and communication. The present case study aims to develop an evaluation and intervention plan for a 2-year-10-month-old child with a presumed diagnosis of language delay. Language delay is characterized by presenting a linguistic profile below the normal average of other children of their age that affects the components of language, especially the expressive aspect. The intervention was based on strategies centered on the adult and the child: hybrid model. After a period of intervention, significant results were evidenced in the semantic lexical component with respect to the increase in comprehensive and expressive vocabulary, as well as the understanding of headings. Where? and Who (action)? Regarding the morphosyntactic component, it also achieved a significant advance in following simple oneaction instructions plus two elements, in the same way in the extension of sentences. At the end of the scheduled sessions, it was possible to demonstrate the fulfillment of the objectives proposed in the different components. In this way, it is concluded that the timely intervention contributed to improving the child's ability to communicate with his family and social environment.
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Discipline: Dificultades de la Comunicación y Lenguaje
Grade or title grantor: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Facultad de Educación
Grade or title: Segunda Especialidad en Dificultades de la Comunicación y Lenguaje
Juror: Chavez Galvez, Zandy; Ortiz De Orue Aliaga, Julia Vanessa; Sing Ore, Angelica Maria
Register date: 1-Jun-2021
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