Bibliographic citations
Camacho, N., (2022). Componentes que favorecieron la gestión académica en modalidad remota del Instituto N.° 75 de Fe y Alegría [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Camacho, N., Componentes que favorecieron la gestión académica en modalidad remota del Instituto N.° 75 de Fe y Alegría []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Componentes que favorecieron la gestión académica en modalidad remota del Instituto N.° 75 de Fe y Alegría",
author = "Camacho del Valle, Natalia",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2022"
This study, Components that favored the academic management in remote mode of the Institute N.° 75 Fe y Alegría, aims to identify results were the factors, actions and actors that allowed the continuity of the classes, under remote mode, within the framework of the restrictions due to COVID-19. The research is qualitative in nature since it focuses on knowing the nonface-to-face educational experience of a specific higher technical institution. And it is motivated because, as a result of the suspension of face-to-face classes, educational institutions (at all levels) had to adapt to a not-so-well-known modality, for which they were not prepared. Thus, the case study of the Fe y Alegría N.° 75 institute was carried out, exploring the process of adaptation and execution of the classes through interviews with the academic team and surveys of students; with the aim of contributing to research on remote modality classes within the context of the pandemic in our country.
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