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Sare, S., (2022). Informe sobre la Resolución N.° 0534-2019/SPC-INDECOPI [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Sare, S., Informe sobre la Resolución N.° 0534-2019/SPC-INDECOPI []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Informe sobre la Resolución N.° 0534-2019/SPC-INDECOPI",
author = "Sare Isla, Susana Carolina",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2022"
Title: Informe sobre la Resolución N.° 0534-2019/SPC-INDECOPI
Authors(s): Sare Isla, Susana Carolina
Advisor(s): Deza Sandoval, Tommy Ricker
Keywords: Protección del consumidor--Jurisprudencia--Perú; Discriminación sexual--Perú; Identidad de género--Perú; Derecho a la no discriminación
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 11-Aug-2022
Institution: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Abstract: El presente informe analiza la resolución N.° 0534-2019/SPC-INDECOPI, emitida por la Sala Especializada de Protección al Consumidor, en la cual se determina que la Discoteca Chira’s ha infringido el mandato de no discriminación en el consumo al haberle impedido el ingreso a la señorita Torres y acompañantes sin que medie causa justificada y razonable. En esa misma línea, tiene como objeto promover una reflexión sobre los casos de discriminación en el consumo por identidad de género. Si bien en los artículos 38° y 39° del Código de Protección al Consumidor se tipifica centralmente los componentes del acto discriminatorio y cómo se ejecuta la carga probatoria en este tipo de casos, no resulta suficiente para examinar de manera integral el caso que aquí nos reúne. Por ello, además de considerar lo establecido por la Sala respecto de la categoría prohibida de identidad de género y su importancia, desarrollo y aplico la normativa, doctrina y jurisprudencia internacional y nacional para tener un panorama más amplio sobre la inclusión de la identidad de género como motivo prohibido de discriminación y la dificultad probatoria en los casos de discriminación a fin de determinar si el razonamiento y las medidas adoptadas por la Sala han sido imparciales, objetivas y eficaces respecto de la especial protección que amerita el colectivo LGBTIQ+. Finalmente, concluyo de manera central que sí se ha infringido el mandato de no discriminación en el consumo debido a que la Discoteca ha menoscabado el ejercicio de un derecho al efectuar un trato diferenciado, basado en motivos prohibidos de discriminación, y sin que medie una causa objetiva y razonable.
This report analyzes resolution N.° 0534-2019/SPC-INDECOPI, issued by the Specialized Court for Consumer Protection, in which it is determined that the Chira's Nightclub has violated the mandate of non-discrimination in consumption by having denied the entry to Miss Torres and companions without a justified and reasonable cause. Also, it aims to promote a reflection on cases of discrimination in consumption based on gender identity. Although articles 38 and 39 of the Consumer Protection Code centrally typify the components of the discriminatory act and how the burden of proof is executed in this type of cases, it is not enough to comprehensively examine the case that we are dealing with. For this reason, in addition to consider what is established by the Court regarding the prohibited category of gender identity and its importance, I develop and apply international and national regulations, doctrine and jurisprudence to have a broader panorama about the inclusion of gender identity. as a prohibited reason for discrimination and the evidentiary difficulty in cases of discrimination in order to determine whether the reasons and measures adopted by the Court have been impartial, objective and effective with the special protection the LGBTIQ+ community deserve. Finally, I conclude in a central way that the mandate of non-discrimination in consumption has been violated because the Nightclub has undermined the exercise of a right by making a differentiated treatment, based on prohibited grounds of discrimination, and without an objective and reasonable cause.
This report analyzes resolution N.° 0534-2019/SPC-INDECOPI, issued by the Specialized Court for Consumer Protection, in which it is determined that the Chira's Nightclub has violated the mandate of non-discrimination in consumption by having denied the entry to Miss Torres and companions without a justified and reasonable cause. Also, it aims to promote a reflection on cases of discrimination in consumption based on gender identity. Although articles 38 and 39 of the Consumer Protection Code centrally typify the components of the discriminatory act and how the burden of proof is executed in this type of cases, it is not enough to comprehensively examine the case that we are dealing with. For this reason, in addition to consider what is established by the Court regarding the prohibited category of gender identity and its importance, I develop and apply international and national regulations, doctrine and jurisprudence to have a broader panorama about the inclusion of gender identity. as a prohibited reason for discrimination and the evidentiary difficulty in cases of discrimination in order to determine whether the reasons and measures adopted by the Court have been impartial, objective and effective with the special protection the LGBTIQ+ community deserve. Finally, I conclude in a central way that the mandate of non-discrimination in consumption has been violated because the Nightclub has undermined the exercise of a right by making a differentiated treatment, based on prohibited grounds of discrimination, and without an objective and reasonable cause.
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Discipline: Derecho
Grade or title grantor: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Facultad de Derecho.
Grade or title: Abogado
Juror: Higa Silva, César Augusto; Novoa Curich, Yvana Lucia
Register date: 11-Aug-2022
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