Bibliographic citations
Girón, A., Medina, M., Mozo, A., Velásquez, T., Vía, G. (2023). Modelo prolab: El Amauta, una propuesta que revolucionará la forma de aprender [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Girón, A., Medina, M., Mozo, A., Velásquez, T., Vía, G. Modelo prolab: El Amauta, una propuesta que revolucionará la forma de aprender []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2023.
title = "Modelo prolab: El Amauta, una propuesta que revolucionará la forma de aprender",
author = "Vía Montezuma, Guillermo",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2023"
At the Present, there is an educational problem regarding the development of competences of students at school age students, which limits their academic performance and is evidenced in international indicators, such as the PISA test. This has been aggravated by COVID-19, which led to school closures, increased dropout rates, etc. Being a new way of imparting education adapting to the digital environment. The purpose of this project is to demonstrate that parents are willing to hire academic reinforcement services in a digital environment that adopts methodologies valued by their children, which contribute to their learning and the development of their personal skills. To do this, tools such as design thinking, business model canvas, lean startup, among others, were used, which allowed a better understanding of the user and their needs, resulting in a platform that offers virtual content through the integration of various technological resources and learning methodologies adapted to a market lacking digital educational offers. This is how El Amauta was born, a solution focused on the accompaniment of today's students and tomorrow's leaders, enhancing their learning and skills that guarantee their integral development. On the other hand, the economic results that accompany the implementation decision demonstrate the profitability of the project in a period of 5 years. On the other hand, the economic results that accompany the implementation decision demonstrate the profitability of the project in a period of 5 years, expressed in an economic net present value (ENPV) amounting to S/2’524,189. Finally, the solution is sustainable because in addition to its financial viability, it has a positive impact on SDG 4 (Quality education) and estimates a social net present value (SNPV) of S/695,686, contributing to the reduction of the school repetition index.
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