Bibliographic citations
Javier, I., (2023). Derechos inespecíficos de las personas trans relevantes para el mundo del trabajo a la luz del Sistema Interamericano de derechos humanos [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Javier, I., Derechos inespecíficos de las personas trans relevantes para el mundo del trabajo a la luz del Sistema Interamericano de derechos humanos []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2023.
title = "Derechos inespecíficos de las personas trans relevantes para el mundo del trabajo a la luz del Sistema Interamericano de derechos humanos",
author = "Javier Cuba, Ivana",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2023"
The reinforced guardianship in favor of trans people is legally and extra-legally supported, as they are within protected categories and/or suspected of discrimination based on the American Convention on Human Rights; and, understanding them as a population in a situation of vulnerability, due to the criminalization, pathologization and stigmatization of their existence, from a relational point of view, respectively. Thus, it arises as a legal problem to identify the standards that the internal labor regulation must consider in order to guarantee the fundamental rights of trans people in the world of work. In this line, the judgments of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on the matter, its evolution and its application to the field of work are analyzed, as a broad concept, not restricted to the legal labor relationship as such. Three rights are identified: gender identity, gender expression and a world of work free of violence and harassment, recognized from international law, on which regulatory intervention measures are proposed consistent with the general obligations of the states parties to said treaty, prevention, protection and adaptation of internal regulations, related to access and termination of the employment relationship, basic conditions of decent work and limits to the power of management.
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