Bibliographic citations
Lara, S., (2021). Aplicación del Principio de Retroactividad Benigna en el Procedimiento Administrativo Sancionador en caso de modificación del Instrumento de Gestión Ambiental [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Lara, S., Aplicación del Principio de Retroactividad Benigna en el Procedimiento Administrativo Sancionador en caso de modificación del Instrumento de Gestión Ambiental []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Aplicación del Principio de Retroactividad Benigna en el Procedimiento Administrativo Sancionador en caso de modificación del Instrumento de Gestión Ambiental",
author = "Lara Soriano, Sheryl",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2021"
The importance of Preventive Environmental Management Instruments lies in becoming a tool that anticipates environmental impacts and projects efficient solutions in favor of the environment. It is important to indicate that these instruments may require modifications or extensions which will be processed after the start of their operations, because, although they are extensive in their first version, it is unlikely that they will include all possible socio-environmental impacts. Taking this into consideration, this work aims to establish the viability of applying the principle of benign retroactivity in relation to environmental management instruments, based on the administrative sanctioning procedure followed against the Potrero Hydroelectric Power Plant, for the breach of obligations established in the declaration of environmental impact. In this case, before the start of the administrative sanctioning procedure, the Regional Government of Cajamarca approved the technical support report of the Hydroelectric Power Plant, which favorably changed the obligations imputed as an infraction for the company. However, the Environmental Control Court considered that the Environmental management instruments are not standard rules and, consequently, benign retroactivity could not be applied. The work concludes that applying the principle is legally viable, because the new environmental management tool, in this case, the Sustaining Technical Report, has more favorable conditions for the company, which should retroactively affect the sanctioning procedure. The method used to study the reasonableness of the resolution is qualitative, for which normative, jurisprudential, and doctrine have been used.
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