Bibliographic citations
Velasquez, N., (2022). Taller de Escritura Vivencial como estrategia para el desarrollo de la competencia de producción de textos escritos en los alumnos de tercer grado de educación primaria de una institución educativa parroquial del distrito de Santiago de Surco [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Velasquez, N., Taller de Escritura Vivencial como estrategia para el desarrollo de la competencia de producción de textos escritos en los alumnos de tercer grado de educación primaria de una institución educativa parroquial del distrito de Santiago de Surco []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Taller de Escritura Vivencial como estrategia para el desarrollo de la competencia de producción de textos escritos en los alumnos de tercer grado de educación primaria de una institución educativa parroquial del distrito de Santiago de Surco",
author = "Velasquez Camarena, Nancy Patricia",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2022"
The main objective of this research is to determine the impact of the Experiential Writing Workshop on the development of written text production skills in 3rd grade elementary school students of a parochial educational institution in the district of Santiago de Surco. For it, a methodology with a quantitative approach and a pre-experimental design was applied. The sample is made up of 8 children to whom a rubric is applied to evaluate the learning obtained in the production of written texts before and after the implementation of the Experiential Writing Workshop. In this sense, the results shown reflect improvements in learning in the competence of producing written texts, since before the application of the Experiential Writing Workshop, 75% (6 children) were at the "Beginning" level and 25% (2 children) reached the "Process" level, none at the "Achieved" or "Outstanding Achievement" level; however, after the application of the Experiential Writing Workshop, all of them reached a higher level, 88% at the "Achieved" level and 12% at the "Outstanding Achievement" level, none of them at the "Beginning" or "Process" level; this refers to the 3 stages of writing: planning, production and publication. Briefly, the positive impact of the experiential writing workshop on the children can be demonstrated, since many times the writing processes are led by the teachers, leaving aside the contributions and needs of each student.
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