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Rodríguez, A., (2022). Rol de los padres de familia en la convivencia escolar durante la última década [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Rodríguez, A., Rol de los padres de familia en la convivencia escolar durante la última década []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Rol de los padres de familia en la convivencia escolar durante la última década",
author = "Rodríguez Vera, Angela Paola",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2022"
Title: Rol de los padres de familia en la convivencia escolar durante la última década
Authors(s): Rodríguez Vera, Angela Paola
Advisor(s): Cabrera Morgan de Castro, Rosa Liza
Keywords: Ambiente educativo--América Latina; Educación--Participación de los padres.; Solución de conflictos; Hogar y escuela
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 5-Sep-2022
Institution: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Abstract: Esta investigación presenta una revisión documental sobre el rol que asumen los
padres de familia en la convivencia escolar durante la última década. Tiene como
objetivo analizar el rol de los padres de familia en la convivencia escolar durante la
última década. Cabe resaltar que, este Estado del Arte corresponde a la línea de
investigación “Educación, Ciudadanía y Atención a la Diversidad”, propuesta por el
Departamento de Educación de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. La
investigación es de tipo documental, porque busca conocer el estado del tema
propuesto, realizando un balance desde las semejanzas, diferencias y vacíos en torno
a la información encontrada. Las fuentes consultadas han sido artículos de revistas
académicas, libros electrónicos, tesis e informes. Esta investigación está estructurada
en tres apartados; el primero, aborda las definiciones de convivencia escolar y familia,
así como la relación entre ambos; el segundo apartado, explica el rol de cooperación
que hay entre estos agentes; y el tercero, analiza el rol de desvinculación de la familia
en relación a la convivencia escolar, es decir, se especifica sobre los espacios de
violencia en la familia, la exclusión y diversidad familiar, así como la falta de
integración. En suma, se reconoce la importancia de los padres en la educación de
los y las estudiantes; asimismo, se evidencia la necesidad del trabajo articulado entre
las instituciones educativas y los padres de familia, dado que esto ayudará a mejorar
la convivencia escolar. La investigación contribuye a la comunidad científica, porque
permite conocer cuáles son los roles que asumen los padres de familia en la educación
de sus hijos, a partir de esto se puede diseñar propuestas pertinentes orientadas a la
convivencia escolar.
This research presents a documentary review on the role of parents in school coexistence during the last decade. Its objective is to analyze the role of parents in school coexistence during the last decade. It should be noted that this State of the Art corresponds to the research line "Education, Citizenship and Attention to Diversity", proposed by the Department of Education of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. The research is of the documentary type, because it seeks to know the state of the proposed topic, making a balance from the similarities, differences and gaps around the information found. The sources consulted were articles in academic journals, electronic books, theses and reports. This research is structured in three sections; the first one deals with the definitions of school coexistence and family, as well as the relationship between both; the second section explains the role of cooperation between these agents; and the third one analyzes the role of disengagement of the family in relation to school coexistence, that is, it specifies the spaces of violence in the family, exclusion and family diversity, and the lack of integration. In sum, the importance of parents in the education of students is recognized; likewise, the need for articulated work between educational institutions and parents is evidenced, since this will help to improve school coexistence. The research contributes to the scientific community, because it allows to know which are the roles that parents assume in the education of their children, from this it is possible to design pertinent proposals oriented to school coexistence.
This research presents a documentary review on the role of parents in school coexistence during the last decade. Its objective is to analyze the role of parents in school coexistence during the last decade. It should be noted that this State of the Art corresponds to the research line "Education, Citizenship and Attention to Diversity", proposed by the Department of Education of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. The research is of the documentary type, because it seeks to know the state of the proposed topic, making a balance from the similarities, differences and gaps around the information found. The sources consulted were articles in academic journals, electronic books, theses and reports. This research is structured in three sections; the first one deals with the definitions of school coexistence and family, as well as the relationship between both; the second section explains the role of cooperation between these agents; and the third one analyzes the role of disengagement of the family in relation to school coexistence, that is, it specifies the spaces of violence in the family, exclusion and family diversity, and the lack of integration. In sum, the importance of parents in the education of students is recognized; likewise, the need for articulated work between educational institutions and parents is evidenced, since this will help to improve school coexistence. The research contributes to the scientific community, because it allows to know which are the roles that parents assume in the education of their children, from this it is possible to design pertinent proposals oriented to school coexistence.
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Discipline: Educación
Grade or title grantor: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Facultad de Educación
Grade or title: Bachiller en Educación
Register date: 5-Sep-2022
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