Bibliographic citations
Mendoza, L., (2023). Aplicación de medidas correctivas en el procedimiento administrativo sancionador del Sistema de Inspección del Trabajo, como respuesta al interés público sobre el cumplimiento del ordenamiento jurídico sociolaboral [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Mendoza, L., Aplicación de medidas correctivas en el procedimiento administrativo sancionador del Sistema de Inspección del Trabajo, como respuesta al interés público sobre el cumplimiento del ordenamiento jurídico sociolaboral []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2023.
title = "Aplicación de medidas correctivas en el procedimiento administrativo sancionador del Sistema de Inspección del Trabajo, como respuesta al interés público sobre el cumplimiento del ordenamiento jurídico sociolaboral",
author = "Mendoza Sulca, Lazaro Paul",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2023"
The present thesis seeks to justify the importance of implementing new measures that reaffirm one of the main objectives of the Labor Inspection System, that is to say, the demand for compliance with the social and labor legal system and thus the enjoyment of the rights recognized to workers. It is proposed then, the implementation of a corrective measure as a result of determining the responsibility of the inspected subject within the framework of the administrative sanctioning procedure in the Labor Inspection System, with the purpose of demanding the correction and/or restitution of the violated labour rights, while seeking the effectiveness of compliance with the social and labor legal system in administrative proceedings. Additionally, the corrective measure seeks to detail and specify the non-compliances attributed to the obligor in such a way that it contributes, as part of the final sanction resolution, to its enforcement as an enforceable title in the judicial instances through the enforcement proceedings that the affected worker may initiate. We defend our proposal through the analysis of the following theorical framework: (i) On the analysis of the current situation of the Labor Inspection System and the limitations of its measures in the framework of the labor inspection, (ii) the importance of compliance with the social and labor law as part of the public interest, and its legal recognition at the international level; and, furthermore (iv) on the existing and favorable conditions for the implementation of the regime of corrective measures in the framework of the administrative sanctioning procedure of the Labor Inspection System. We conclude that, based on the above, the proposal is viable, and consequently we propose the regulatory improvements that make it applicable.
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