Bibliographic citations
Quispe, K., (2021). La danza en la autorregulación de emociones en estudiantes de quinto grado de primaria en una I.E Pública de Lima Metropolitana [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Quispe, K., La danza en la autorregulación de emociones en estudiantes de quinto grado de primaria en una I.E Pública de Lima Metropolitana []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2021.
title = "La danza en la autorregulación de emociones en estudiantes de quinto grado de primaria en una I.E Pública de Lima Metropolitana",
author = "Quispe Mayta, Katherine del Rosario",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2021"
In Peru, exists violence problems, “from march to september 2020, 5,883 violence cases against children and teens have been attended, of which 4,103 (69.7%) belong to women and 1,780 (30.3%) to men” (Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables, 2020) one of these causes being the lack of self-regulation that affects mental health, especially children. It is hard to deal with this topic, because there is little educational and family intervention, by ignorance, lack of interest or implementation of appropriate strategies for each person. Before this, in the educational field, the creative dance shows as a learning opportunity for emotional self-regulation. Various authors such as Bisquerra and others (2015) and Laban (1978) agree that, the role of the creative dance in children is a key piece to cultivate values and educate emotions. For that reason, the present qualitative research of exploratory level pretends analyze how the emotional selfregulation develops in 5th grade students through the application of the creative dance as a teacher’s strategy, in a Public Elementary School of Metropolitan Lima. For this, a case study is carried out in order to describe the student’s perceptions about the dance as a teacher’s strategy to self-regulate emotions, and, in the other hand, describe the levels of the emotional self-regulation process in the students through the application of creative dance. In addition, the collection of empirical information was carried out through instruments as an observation guide and focus group. The results confirm that, through the creative dance, it is possible to develop emotional awareness and emotional expression, which are essentials to promote the emotional self-regulation
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