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Azabache, B., Peláez, J., Osorio, J. (2024). Business consulting para Nexa Resources [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Azabache, B., Peláez, J., Osorio, J. Business consulting para Nexa Resources []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2024.
title = "Business consulting para Nexa Resources",
author = "Osorio Mayta, José Luis",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2024"
Title: Business consulting para Nexa Resources
Advisor(s): Bazán Tejada, Carlos Armando
Keywords: Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica; Industria metalúrgica--Perú; Industria minera--Perú
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 28-Feb-2024
Institution: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Abstract: La consultoría de negocios se realizó en la empresa Nexa Resources ubicada en la
ciudad de Lima, departamento de Lima. La cual produce zinc y cobre; cuenta con una
capacidad de producción de 120 000 toneladas anuales de mineral. Esta consultoría se enfoca
en conocer al detalle los procesos operativos del negocio, con el fin de encontrar
oportunidades de mejora en los mismos. Para este fin, se realizaron reuniones con los
representantes del negocio, especialmente con los usuarios de producción y mantenimiento
para recabar sus principales puntos de dolor. Con la finalidad de conocer los factores externos
que afectan al negocio, se procedió a realizar los análisis de Porter y Peste, a continuación, se
hizo un análisis interno de negocio con la técnica AMOFHIT, para finalmente derivar en el
FODA del negocio. Luego de estos análisis, se procedió a determinar el problema principal
del negocio, el cual es la pérdida de ventas debido a que uno de los productos se encuentra
fuera de especificación de calidad.
Con el problema identificado vía el diagrama de Ishikawa se identificaron las causas
del problema para luego plantear ideas de solución para atender el problema. Se planteó
mejorar la tecnología la línea de producción para tener visibilidad en línea de las variables
que afectan a la calidad del producto y así evitar reprocesos por rangos fuera de
especificación, debido a que son estos reprocesos los que generan pérdida de valor comercial
del producto y por lo tanto perdida de ventas. Para solucionar este problema se planteó la
implementación de una solución de IoT (Internet de las Cosas) con un tiempo de
implementación de siete meses y una inversión de 384 mil dólares. La inversión se recupera
en un período de 11 meses además de obtener un Valor Presente Neto superior a 1.3 millones
de dólares americanos, con un retorno de la inversión (ROI) de 412% lo cual hace viable la
The business consulting was carried out in the company Nexa Resources located in the city of Lima, department of Lima. Which produces zinc and copper; in addition to having a production capacity of 120,000 tons of mineral per year. This consultancy focuses on knowing in detail the operational processes of the business, in order to find opportunities for improvement in them. For this purpose, meetings were held with business representatives, especially with production and maintenance users to gather their main pain points. In order to know the external factors that affect the business, the Porter and Peste analyzes were carried out, followed by an internal business analysis with the AMOFHIT technique to finally derive the SWOT of the business. After these analyzes we proceeded to determine the main problem of the business, which is the loss of sales due to one products being out of quality specification. With this problem identified via the Ishikawa diagram, the causes of the problem were identified and then ideas for solutions were proposed to address the problem. It was proposed to improve the technology of the production line to have online visibility of the variables that affect the quality of the product and thus avoid reprocessing due to out-of-specification ranges, because it is these reprocesses that generate loss of commercial value of the product and therefore loss of sales. For this purpose, the implementation of an IoT (Internet of Things) solution was proposed, with an implementation time of 7 months and an investment of 384 thousand dollars. The investment is recovered in a period of 11 months in addition to obtaining a Net Present Value greater than 1.3 million US dollars, with a return on investment (ROI) of 412% which makes the implementation viable.
The business consulting was carried out in the company Nexa Resources located in the city of Lima, department of Lima. Which produces zinc and copper; in addition to having a production capacity of 120,000 tons of mineral per year. This consultancy focuses on knowing in detail the operational processes of the business, in order to find opportunities for improvement in them. For this purpose, meetings were held with business representatives, especially with production and maintenance users to gather their main pain points. In order to know the external factors that affect the business, the Porter and Peste analyzes were carried out, followed by an internal business analysis with the AMOFHIT technique to finally derive the SWOT of the business. After these analyzes we proceeded to determine the main problem of the business, which is the loss of sales due to one products being out of quality specification. With this problem identified via the Ishikawa diagram, the causes of the problem were identified and then ideas for solutions were proposed to address the problem. It was proposed to improve the technology of the production line to have online visibility of the variables that affect the quality of the product and thus avoid reprocessing due to out-of-specification ranges, because it is these reprocesses that generate loss of commercial value of the product and therefore loss of sales. For this purpose, the implementation of an IoT (Internet of Things) solution was proposed, with an implementation time of 7 months and an investment of 384 thousand dollars. The investment is recovered in a period of 11 months in addition to obtaining a Net Present Value greater than 1.3 million US dollars, with a return on investment (ROI) of 412% which makes the implementation viable.
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Discipline: Administración Estratégica de Empresas
Grade or title grantor: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. CENTRUM
Grade or title: Maestro en Administración Estratégica de Empresas
Juror: Narro Lavi, Juan Pedro Rodolfo; Avolio Alecchi, Beatrice Elcira; Bazán Tejada, Carlos Armando
Register date: 28-Feb-2024
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