Bibliographic citations
Huayllani, X., (2023). Percepción del Gaslighting en un grupo de mujeres víctimas de violencia dentro del contexto de pandemia (COVID-19) [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Huayllani, X., Percepción del Gaslighting en un grupo de mujeres víctimas de violencia dentro del contexto de pandemia (COVID-19) []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2023.
title = "Percepción del Gaslighting en un grupo de mujeres víctimas de violencia dentro del contexto de pandemia (COVID-19)",
author = "Huayllani García, Xiomara Regina",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2023"
This research adheres to a theoretical framework that considers partner gaslighting as a type of psychological violence that is expressed in a very subtle way and has various manifestations that are harmful to the victim. This type of violence can be understood as a manipulative behavior on the part of the aggressor or gaslighter that makes the victim doubt herself and her construction or criteria about reality. At the same time, it is part of the blaming technique and usually minimizes the experiences of the attacked people. Therefore, based on the aforementioned, an investigation has been developed with the general objective of analyzing the perception of gaslighting in a group of women victims of violence in the context of a pandemic (COVID-19). As a specific objective, it seeks to analyze how sociodemographic variables such as marital status and the condition of being mothers operate as risk factors in the perception of gaslighting in the study population. In addition, for the present investigation a thematic approach was used using the phenomenological design technique, which turns out to be the most suitable to achieve the objectives set. Among the results, two axes of the perception of gaslighting were found, the first one refers to the psychological manipulation that manifests itself through distrust in the couple's relationship, the displacement of responsibility and the induction of doubts about one's own criteria and self-perception. The second axis refers to the invalidation of the victim that occurs at the level of emotional invalidation and through insults and disqualification. The general discussion problematizes, from a reflective perspective, the way in which the participants have perceived these manifestations of gaslighting
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