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Yañez, P., (2023). La competencia traductora en la formación de traductores [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Yañez, P., La competencia traductora en la formación de traductores []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2023.
title = "La competencia traductora en la formación de traductores",
author = "Yañez Ruiz, Paola Isabel",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2023"
Title: La competencia traductora en la formación de traductores
Authors(s): Yañez Ruiz, Paola Isabel
Advisor(s): Sanchez Trujillo, Maria de los Angeles
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 14-Dec-2023
Institution: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Abstract: Los cambios globales y la diversificación del mercado de traducción han ampliado los
roles desempeñados por el traductor, lo que implica que a las competencias
enseñadas y desarrolladas hasta ahora se suman otras. Esto induce a realizar los
ajustes respectivos en la enseñanza de la traducción. De ahí que es pertinente revisar
lo que se entiende por competencia traductora y los modelos de competencia
traductora más significativos. La presente investigación documental realiza un
recorrido bibliográfico para comprender la forma como la competencia traductora
contribuye a la formación de traductores. Para ello, se proponen tres objetivos; el
primero está orientado a determinar la importancia de la competencia traductora en la
formación de traductores; el segundo consiste en describir los modelos más
resaltantes de competencia traductora del presente siglo; y el tercero está dirigido a
determinar la importancia de los modelos de competencia traductora en la formación
de traductores. Se concluye que, debido a las numerosas investigaciones realizadas
en diversos países para entender la competencia traductora, los enfoques didáctico y
profesional para abordarla, y su concordancia con el concepto de competencia en
educación superior, la competencia traductora es significativa en la formación de
traductores. Asimismo, los modelos de competencia traductora, como el del grupo
PACTE y del EMT Expert Group, son un referente adaptable para responder a las
necesidades de la Didáctica de la Traducción; esto sumado a su utilidad y su sustento
investigativo confirma la importancia de dichos modelos en la formación de
Global changes and the diversification of the translation market have broadened the roles played by the translator, which means that other competencies have been added to those taught and developed so far. This makes it necessary to make the respective adjustments in the teaching of translation. Hence, it is pertinent to review what is understood by translation competence and the most significant models of translation competence. This documentary research makes a bibliographical review in order to understand how translation competence contributes to translator training. To this end, three objectives are proposed; the first is aimed at determining the importance of translation competence in translator training; the second consists of describing the most outstanding models of translation competence of the current century; and the third is aimed at determining the importance of translation competence models in translator training. It is concluded that, due to the numerous research studies carried out in different countries to understand translation competence, the didactic and professional approaches to address it, and its concordance with the concept of competence in higher education, translation competence is significant in translator training. Likewise, translation competence models, such as those of the PACTE and EMT Expert Group, are an adaptable reference to meet the needs of Translation Didactics; this, together with their usefulness and research support, confirms the importance of these models in translator training.
Global changes and the diversification of the translation market have broadened the roles played by the translator, which means that other competencies have been added to those taught and developed so far. This makes it necessary to make the respective adjustments in the teaching of translation. Hence, it is pertinent to review what is understood by translation competence and the most significant models of translation competence. This documentary research makes a bibliographical review in order to understand how translation competence contributes to translator training. To this end, three objectives are proposed; the first is aimed at determining the importance of translation competence in translator training; the second consists of describing the most outstanding models of translation competence of the current century; and the third is aimed at determining the importance of translation competence models in translator training. It is concluded that, due to the numerous research studies carried out in different countries to understand translation competence, the didactic and professional approaches to address it, and its concordance with the concept of competence in higher education, translation competence is significant in translator training. Likewise, translation competence models, such as those of the PACTE and EMT Expert Group, are an adaptable reference to meet the needs of Translation Didactics; this, together with their usefulness and research support, confirms the importance of these models in translator training.
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Discipline: Educación Secundaria con especialidad en Inglés
Grade or title grantor: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Facultad de Educación
Grade or title: Licenciado en Educación Secundaria con especialidad en Inglés
Juror: Sanchez Trujillo, Maria de los Angeles; Begazo Ruiz, Julio Cesar; Vargas D'Uniam, Clara Jessica
Register date: 14-Dec-2023
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