Bibliographic citations
Ramírez, E., (2024). El deber de protección del empleador sobre los datos personales en las relaciones laborales entre trabajadores [Trabajo académico, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Ramírez, E., El deber de protección del empleador sobre los datos personales en las relaciones laborales entre trabajadores [Trabajo académico]. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2024.
title = "El deber de protección del empleador sobre los datos personales en las relaciones laborales entre trabajadores",
author = "Ramírez Rondán, Evander Henry Jeffery",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2024"
The employer's duty of protection not only involves safeguarding activities carried out under orders but also extends to all actions performed by the worker in the course of their duties for the employer. This underscores the employer's responsibility to ensure the privacy and security of the worker's information, especially when the nature of the company's activities involves handling personal information of the workers. This duty of protecting workers' data covers various aspects such as the collection, storage, and proper handling of information. The employer must take necessary and sufficient measures to prevent financial, health, or other types of information from negatively affecting the workers. To achieve this, the employer must first communicate the sensitivity and importance of the rights protected by the principle of informational self-determination to all workers. Additionally, the employer should implement technologically suitable actions to prevent the violation of these rights. Only in the most severe cases, and after meeting the aforementioned conditions, can the employer take serious actions.
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