Bibliographic citations
Campos, J., (2024). Desarrollo de competencias matemáticas mediante el uso de aplicaciones móviles en estudiantes de un centro preuniversitario de Lima metropolitana [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Campos, J., Desarrollo de competencias matemáticas mediante el uso de aplicaciones móviles en estudiantes de un centro preuniversitario de Lima metropolitana []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2024.
title = "Desarrollo de competencias matemáticas mediante el uso de aplicaciones móviles en estudiantes de un centro preuniversitario de Lima metropolitana",
author = "Campos Maldonado, Javier Orlando",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2024"
According to the latest results presented by the Ministry of Education regarding the performance of students at the secondary level in the area of Mathematics, they show that there is no substantial improvement and that the rates remain low. Given this situation, the present educational innovation proposal seeks as its objective the development of mathematical competencies of the students of a pre-university center in metropolitan Lima with the support of mobile applications. This proposal is based on a design of activities that will use mobile applications. Thus, students will combine the use of technology with mathematical concepts and this will allow an improvement in the mastery of Mathematics, both in theoretical knowledge and in problem solving. These activities were designed of two types: lessons and mini-drills. The lessons focus on covering the theoretical-practical reviews of selected mathematical topics, while the mini-simulations cover the application of handling this type of evaluations with topics already reviewed. Thus, through the pilot experience, it was possible to validate the activities designed to reinforce knowledge in the area of Mathematics by the students. The results obtained with this pilot experience allowed us to determine that the designed activities helped the development of the students' mathematical skills, which was reflected in the good participation of their implementation through the reports given by the Nearpod and Quizzis application platforms. as well as the results of the satisfaction survey completed by the students.
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