Bibliographic citations
Vidal, P., (2023). Percepciones de docentes universitarios con relación al sentido que otorgan a su evaluación de desempeño en una universidad privada de Lima [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Vidal, P., Percepciones de docentes universitarios con relación al sentido que otorgan a su evaluación de desempeño en una universidad privada de Lima []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2023.
title = "Percepciones de docentes universitarios con relación al sentido que otorgan a su evaluación de desempeño en una universidad privada de Lima",
author = "Vidal Villalva, Paola Cristina",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2023"
This research analyzes the perceptions of university professors about the meaning they give to the evaluation of their performance in a private university Lima. To better understand the phenomenon studied, a review of the literature from 2012 to 2022 was carried out, with the purpose of understanding the current situation of the evaluation of the performance of teachers in university higher education at the national level, and at the international level, with greater emphasis on the Ibero-American context. Likewise, the study was developed considering the qualitative approach, using the phenomenological methodology, since it responds to the approaches established in the research, which consists of analyzing the perceptions of university professors, of a common institution, about the meaning they give to the evaluation of their performance in the various private universities in which they work. Four in-depth interviews were conducted with university professors who work in one or more private universities and who have gone through teacher performance evaluation processes during 2022-1. The study allowed us to approach the concepts, ideas, beliefs, principles, opinions that university professors have about the evaluation of their performance as teachers from their own experience. Among the results, it stands out that the interviewed teachers describe performance evaluation, from their experience, as a mechanism for measuring compliance and an opportunity to improve their pedagogical work. Likewise, they identify the predominance of student satisfaction surveys as the preferred evaluation instrument for their performance by universities. Finally, despite generating uncertainty and nervousness among teachers about the results, performance evaluation is also perceived as an opportunity to reflect on their teaching work, motivating them to self-evaluate and step out of their comfort zone
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