Bibliographic citations
Cardó, M., (2022). Configuraciones relacionales en un consultante adulto joven con ataque de pánico en el contexto de un proceso de psicoterapia breve [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Cardó, M., Configuraciones relacionales en un consultante adulto joven con ataque de pánico en el contexto de un proceso de psicoterapia breve []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Configuraciones relacionales en un consultante adulto joven con ataque de pánico en el contexto de un proceso de psicoterapia breve",
author = "Cardó Manassero, María Paz",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2022"
The present research seeks to deepen the understanding of panic attack and panic disorder from a psychoanalytic perspective, maintaining an interest in the approach to bond dynamics. The aim is to identify the relational episodes and to describe the relational configurations present in the first three sessions of a brief psychoanalytic psychotherapy process with a young adult patient presenting panic disorder. The relational episodes were identified using the CCRT Lu S flexibilized criteria and the qualitative thematic analysis method was used for the analysis of the relational configurations found. The results confirm the empirical findings on the characteristic relational features present in subjects suffering from panic attacks, while maintaining coherence with the postulations from psychoanalytic theory.
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