Bibliographic citations
Callirgos, Y., (2023). Estrategias para desarrollar la dimensión espiritual en niños y niñas de tercer grado de primaria en una institución educativa privada de Lima Metropolitana [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Callirgos, Y., Estrategias para desarrollar la dimensión espiritual en niños y niñas de tercer grado de primaria en una institución educativa privada de Lima Metropolitana []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2023.
title = "Estrategias para desarrollar la dimensión espiritual en niños y niñas de tercer grado de primaria en una institución educativa privada de Lima Metropolitana",
author = "Callirgos Estacio, Yesy Mariluz Marcela",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2023"
The human being is an integral being made up of various dimensions. One of them is the spiritual dimension, which is possible thanks to spiritual intelligence, which, understood as a capacity, is possessed by all human beings. Such innate capacity in the human being allows them to transcend and find meaning in their existence regardless of the religion. For this reason, this qualitative-descriptive research addresses the study of strategies for the development of the spiritual dimension in primary education, emphasizing the development of interiority and the sense of community. Answering the question: What strategies are used by four teachers to develop the spiritual dimension in third grade children of primary school in a private educational institution in Lima Metropolitana? This is answered through the general objective "to describe the strategies used by four teachers to develop the spiritual dimension in third grade children of primary school". In the methodological design, observation and interview techniques are used, and the observation guide and the semi-structured interview script are used as instruments to collect information; while for the analysis and interpretation of the results, the techniques of open coding, triangulation and axial coding are taken into account. The results show that teachers use meditation, thinking routine, dialogic literary circles and interactive groups as strategies to develop the spiritual dimension considering all the elements that their processes imply. Likewise, strategies that are partially worked on were identified, such as contemplative silence, mindfulness, centered drawings, collaborative work, Service- Learning and Design Thinking. “Image replication” was also found as an emerging strategy. The absent elements of the strategies in the findings and their application in another institutional context are proposed as a suggestion.
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