Bibliographic citations
Sáenz, G., (2023). La razonabilidad de las medidas administrativas en materia ambiental: Un análisis de la Resolución del Tribunal de Fiscalización Ambiental del OEFA Nº 010- 2020-OEFA/TFA-SE en relación al caso de Las Bambas y el Corredor Vial Minero Apurímac-Cusco [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Sáenz, G., La razonabilidad de las medidas administrativas en materia ambiental: Un análisis de la Resolución del Tribunal de Fiscalización Ambiental del OEFA Nº 010- 2020-OEFA/TFA-SE en relación al caso de Las Bambas y el Corredor Vial Minero Apurímac-Cusco []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2023.
title = "La razonabilidad de las medidas administrativas en materia ambiental: Un análisis de la Resolución del Tribunal de Fiscalización Ambiental del OEFA Nº 010- 2020-OEFA/TFA-SE en relación al caso de Las Bambas y el Corredor Vial Minero Apurímac-Cusco",
author = "Sáenz Mori, Gabriela Emilia",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2023"
From the environmental quality assessment, conducted by the OEFA in 2019, it detected excesses in the Environmental Quality Standards-ECA of the receiving bodies of Air and Noise in the Apurimac-Cusco Mining Road Corridor in the province of Chumbivilcas, which were attributed to the mineral transportation activity of the company Las Bambas. In this regard, it is argued that the request for Modification of the Environmental Impact Assessment issued by Resolution No. 010- 2020-OEFA/TFA-SE of the Environmental Oversight Tribunal of the OEFA raises a problem in relation to the procedural guarantees of the affected party, which are related to the principles of reasonableness, legality, proportionality and legal certainty; as well as respect for the constitutional right to enjoy a healthy and balanced environment and therefore, the right to health of the populations adjacent to the Road Corridor in Chumbivilcas. The power granted to the environmental oversight authority to require the Environmental Impact Assessment Modification is very effective for the prevention of negative environmental impacts caused by ongoing projects. However, it is of utmost importance that the administrative measures respond to the criterion of reasonableness and do not end up being onerous and unnecessary and that finally end up harming an administered party that develops its economic activity in compliance with its environmental obligations and commitments. In other words, OEFA as an environmental control authority must achieve, through the issuance of measures, to ensure a balance between mining activity and environmental protection.
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