Bibliographic citations
Álvarez, J., (2023). Una propuesta de argumentación jurídica en los casos difíciles sobre desalojo por ocupación precaria entre familiares a partir del reconocimiento de una laguna axiológica en el artículo 911 del Código Civil [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú].
Álvarez, J., Una propuesta de argumentación jurídica en los casos difíciles sobre desalojo por ocupación precaria entre familiares a partir del reconocimiento de una laguna axiológica en el artículo 911 del Código Civil []. PE: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; 2023.
title = "Una propuesta de argumentación jurídica en los casos difíciles sobre desalojo por ocupación precaria entre familiares a partir del reconocimiento de una laguna axiológica en el artículo 911 del Código Civil",
author = "Álvarez Díaz, José Gabriel",
publisher = "Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú",
year = "2023"
The purpose of this paper is to propose a type of legal argumentation in difficult cases about eviction due to precarious occupation between family members based on the recognition of an axiological gap in article 911 of the Civil Code, by not having considered the rule contained in the aforementioned provision. Relevant properties that should have been taken into account for the solution of the case, in this way we hope that the judges of our country can resolve this kind of process, rationally justifying their decision to deviate from the rule to apply principles. To achieve our purpose, we will use a resolution issued by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Republic, Cassation No. 4425-2015 - Lima East (Supreme Court, Cassation No. 4425-2015-Lima East), on eviction for precarious occupation; We will then try, based on said Cassation, to analyze and determine the recognition of an axiological gap in article 911 of the Civil Code and thus explain why in some difficult cases of eviction due to precarious occupation between family members it would be justified, in certain cases, to depart from the rule for applying principles. We consider this work important because we maintain that in some difficult cases of eviction due to precarious occupation between family members, there is an axiological gap in article 911 of the Civil Code and that this gap would be filled with the application of the principle of family solidarity; principle that must be weighed with that of legal certainty that underlies the rule.
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